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Put view settings in URL so it can be shared and bookmarked
Closed, ResolvedPublic13 Estimated Story Points


  • type (line/table)
  • range (all/2yr/1yr/3mth/1mth)
  • splits

Not sure how easy this'd be?

Also, from Dario: I would also like to suggest we add (in the footer or in the dropdown menu) an option for researchers using this data to know how to cite it, after assigning Wikistats 2.0 a persistent DOI. This will allow us to track usage of the data in research, which is very hard to do without DOIs.

See for example the "Cite" tab in Figshare:

I can help set up an entry and citable DOI for Wikistats before it officially goes live.

Event Timeline

We're aiming to have this for our beta release. This data will not be serialised in URLs in the alpha release.

mforns added subscribers: DarTar, Strainu.
mforns added a subscriber: Nuria.
mforns subscribed.

From duplicate task:

I'd like to recommend that we make the deeplink to each report discoverable and shareable (if it's persistent). For example, at the moment, I don't know if I can directly reference the table view for a given metric, or even the direct download link, as opposed to the default "view".

I would also like to suggest we add (in the footer or in the dropdown menu) an option for researchers using this data to know how to cite it, after assigning Wikistats 2.0 a persistent DOI. This will allow us to track usage of the data in research, which is very hard to do without DOIs.

See for example the "Cite" tab in Figshare:

I can help set up an entry and citable DOI for Wikistats before it officially goes live.

Nuria renamed this task from Wikistats Bug – Put view settings in URL so it can be shared to Wikistats Beta – Put view settings in URL so it can be shared. bookmarks.Mar 22 2018, 6:47 PM
fdans moved this task from Wikistats to Wikistats Beta on the Analytics board.
Milimetric renamed this task from Wikistats Beta – Put view settings in URL so it can be shared. bookmarks to Put view settings in URL so it can be shared and bookmarked.May 15 2018, 2:42 PM
Milimetric claimed this task.
Milimetric set the point value for this task to 13.

@DarTar, are you envisioning a dynamic DOI registration through something like ? Or statically registering some part of Wikistats? I can think of three levels to register at:

  • one DOI for all of Wikistats (does that work? I'm new to DOIs)
  • one DOI for each metric's default view (we could do this both automatically and manually)
  • one DOI for each possible combination of view settings (we crawl all the possibilities, make a list, and register them dynamically)

Change 434500 had a related patch set uploaded (by Milimetric; owner: Milimetric):
[analytics/wikistats2@master] Reflect detail state in the URL and back

Change 434500 merged by jenkins-bot:
[analytics/wikistats2@master] Reflect detail state in the URL and back

ping @DarTar: we're close to deploying this feature, and the URLs will be unique and deep, but still not sure how DOIs are going to work, let me know what you think about my question above T179444#4207970

Change 438030 had a related patch set uploaded (by Milimetric; owner: Milimetric):
[analytics/wikistats2@master] Improve routing logic

Change 438030 merged by Milimetric:
[analytics/wikistats2@master] Improve routing logic

Ping @DarTar to take a look, bookmarks now deployed to prod

@Nuria I can't figure out how to get the permalink from the UI.

@Milimetric sorry I missed your earlier comment. I'd recommend a single DOI for the entire wikistats dataset.

@Nuria, I see, I thought there was something in the UI, similar to what the WDQS does for permalinking a query or its results. But I appreciate it's a different feature request.

@DarTar: so the DOI would just be the URL of the dashboard (first page)? If there's a button to "permalink" on the detail page, then, it would be confusing if it referenced the dashboard. Maybe we should talk about this in a quick hangout when you have time.