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Bug in Education program Namespace
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Hello all,

Unfortunately I found a bug in Education program Namespace (I found it in and I think it's a global bug).

I'll talk about this example

user:X = user:حل إشكال

15:56 - User X added himself as a reviewer for this article in this page (Education program Namespace).
16:03 - User Z remove User X from the previous page (Education program Namespace).

But it appear here and everywhere that User X remove himself.

In real this what happened with us in that User X made a mistakes so we run CU tool on his account, but due to the previous situation CU tool appear User Z identical to User X (in IPs + user agents and everything), so we block User X and User Z (note that User Z is a sysop in

After advanced search I tried many thing, finally I found this problem.

I know all people in Education program now using The Dashboard but our sysop User مصعب (=User Z) still using Education program Namespace until now in Education program in Hashemite University.

Thanks all

Event Timeline

I'd say this might be too? (private security ticket) Those with access, please check.

i am the sysop who were blocked wrongly in this issue. i still use wikipedia education program namespace because professors at my university (the hashemite university where i am leader to education program) are more familiar with namespace than the Dashboard although the later is more developed i still in need to use the namespace to continue the education program at my university. regards

I will send a note to the functionaries list about this, as until it is fixed seems like it is important for all CU to be aware of this.

I will send a note to the functionaries list about this, as until it is fixed seems like it is important for all CU to be aware of this.

Thanks. Sure it is importat to take in in consideration

I learned about this thanks to the note posted on CU-l. Can someone please add me to T112751 so I can start working on a patch?

Thanks. From what I see so far, I do *not* think that the issue here is the same as T112751. I will investigate the issue more.

I'd say this might be too? (private security ticket) Those with access, please check.

@MarcoAurelio can you please add me to the private ticket. Thx.

@MarcoAurelio can you please add me to the private ticket. Thx.

No. Because Bawolff already added you :)

With this component it looks as though removing oneself, or removing someone else both utilise the same message.$78

"logentry-eparticle-review": "$1 added {{GENDER:$2|himself|herself|themself}} as reviewer to article $3 {{GENDER:$6|worked upon by}} $5 as part of course $4",
"logentry-eparticle-unreview": "$1 removed {{GENDER:$2|himself|herself|themself}} as reviewer to article $3 {{GENDER:$6|worked upon by}} $5 as part of course $4",

Now I may be misreading this stuff as it is not my strength, however, I couldn't identify removal of another party in the messaging.

It doesn't explain the checkuser interaction with the extension, though that is difficult without seeing the life data to know whose information is being incorrectly returned. Presuming the queries are working correctly, then it would be the data put into the wrong spots. Presumably that will require something with backend access to the data to make that determination. You would think that it is more likely that the wrong data is being pushed into the logs.

There is now a ticket to remove the extension here. It will be removed from all wikimedia projects in 30 June. Regards

Triaging lowest per T181889#3966894 - However if the extension is going to be discontinued afterwards, you may want to 'decline' this as well.

Extension is being removed and archived.