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Remove justification from CX suggestion descriptions
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While working on T117604 (main problem described on that ticket was solved in T176663), there was a suggestion to truncate suggestion item descriptions to three lines. Descriptions are almost never that long to exceed three lines on screen sizes larger than 500px, but can easily be long enough to overflow portrait oriented mobile device, with screen size usually less than 420px.

Limiting text to three lines is pretty straightforward, but indicating that text is truncated is not well supported, and there is no clean, pure CSS solution. All solutions require some kind of trade-off and current implementation settled on making text justified, so rightmost (for LTR languages) word stays aligned with ellipsis indicator. However, justified text can look really ugly and unreadable on devices that need truncation the most. Here is screenshot how it can look on mobile device:

justified-text-problems.png (1×861 px, 375 KB)

In addition, T179148 reports problems of added dot and bad placement of ellipsis. This is not rechecked after T178669 is resolved, though.

@Pginer-WMF was not convinced by settling with text-align: justify approach and suggested using gradient to indicate truncated text - T117604#3671912.
That method has it's own fair share of trade-offs to be made, but will be further explored.

Explore how different approaches with gradient work with long descriptions

Pure CSS solution, without Javascript would be preferred when considering different approaches for indicating truncation of long descriptions.

JS possibilities
  1. Limit by number of words. This approach would be really expensive since word detection is harder for languages that don't use spaces to separate words.
    • @Esanders pointed out that "For Latin script languages, average word length can vary by almost 100% - link", so we can hardly decide how many words to display on precious little space on mobile
  2. Limit by number of characters.
    • @Esanders says: "Also note that in some scripts even counting characters is hard as JS counts non-BMP Unicode codepoints as 2 characters (e.g. some Chinese characters, and rarer scripts - link."
  3. "Define a fixed number of characters and then find the nearest white space, but it varies by script (and language if you use more M's than I's)"
  4. Using DOM containers and detecting overflow with Javascript.
    • Not yet fully explored this alternative.

Javascript solutions would probably include ellipsis indicator, which is localized to many languages and may be more natural way of indicating truncation than gradient.

Making gradients work

Original solution dropped the idea of using gradients to indicate truncated text because gradients cannot be transitioned yet. There are some signs this feature will be available in the future, with making interpolation during the transition, but not available at the time of writing this. We need to transition the gradient, to have it stay unnoticed while whole suggestion item changes background color, transitioned while doing so.
Although transition on gradients is not supported, there may be some alternative workaround to have similar behavior.

  • Positives to using gradients:
    • Pure CSS solution
    • May turn out to be easier than JS solutions
  • Negative sides:
    • Ellipses may be more natural indicator of truncated text
    • Depending on where we put gradient indicator, it can be too big or too small (About this, @Pginer-WMF had some good thoughts: "I think we should aim for a solution that deals well with most cases without affecting the non-problematic ones. For example, with the "justified text" approach we were affecting all cases, even those that didn't exceed the maximum number of lines, just to deal better with fewer cases that did." )

Two possible positions for gradient

End of paragraphWhole line indicator (full line)Whole line indicator (half line)
cx-item-long-desc copy.png (203×725 px, 38 KB)
gradient-to-bottom.PNG (97×342 px, 6 KB)
gradient-to-bottom-short-last-line.PNG (93×341 px, 5 KB)

About this, I will again quote:

The approach you mention of extending the gradient to the whole line is a valid approach, but it also makes the fact that the description is incomplete more visible than needed. Overall, I'd prefer to show the gradient at the end of the paragraph and making it wide enough to reduce the number of problematic cases. If we found it more problematic than expected, we can move to the full-line gradient approach.

Event Timeline

Petar.petkovic moved this task from Needs Triage to Oct-Dec 2017 on the ContentTranslation board.

This ticket is continuation of discussions from this patch.

@Esanders and @Pginer-WMF, hope you guys don't mind me sharing some of your great insights.

Change 396565 had a related patch set uploaded (by Petar.petkovic; owner: Petar.petkovic):
[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] Use gradients on CX suggestion descriptions

Change 396565 abandoned by Petar.petkovic:
Use gradients on CX suggestion descriptions

Not updated for more than a year. Could be restored if ticket is picked up in the future