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Recruit 1- 3 additional evaluators for Expert Review of Visual Editor UI
Closed, ResolvedPublic



Typically a heuristic review is done by a few different evaluators. This will allow us to combine a few different perspectives so that the review is not one-sided.


This task is to identify who the evaluators will be in addition to @iamjessklein

List of Evaluators:

Design team members - @Volker_E @RHo
Design - Research team member: @aripstra
Engineering @Esanders
RTL Language: @Amire80 (unconfirmed)
Community - @Dank @Kerry_Raymond

Event Timeline

In the planning doc, I wrote these "requirements" for the evaluators :

2 Design team members - @Volker_E @RHo
1 Design - Research team member
1 person from Engineering @Esanders
1 - 3 people from Community - @Dank @Kerry_Raymond

I'd like to open this up to broader conversation. Who should be doing this evaluation and why?

  • Design Team Evaluators: I am imagining that I will perform the evaluation as a member of the Design Team who is both a technical expert but fairly new to the Visual Editor experience. Additionally, I was thinking either @Volker_E and/or, @RHo and/or @alexhollender because they are technical experts who have different levels of familiarity with the UI and accessibility.
  • Design - Research Team Evaluators: I thought that @aripstra would be great for this work because of her previous research on New Editor Experiences.
  • Engineering Team Evaluators: I thought that @edsu could be perfect due to his technical expertise and birds eye view of the project.
  • Community Evaluators: - I think that this role could be done by several different kinds of community members. It would be great to find someone who has a keen eye for design and may/may not have done this kind of work before. I could use some guidance from @Whatamidoing-WMF and @Amire80 , however was exploring the idea of:
  • community members with a spectrum of abilities on the Web
  • community members who view the editing experience from Right to Left
  • community members who are superusers and edit with Visual Editor
iamjessklein renamed this task from Recruit 1- 3 additional evaluators for Heuristic Evaluation to Recruit 1- 3 additional evaluators for Expert Review of Visual Editor UI.Aug 14 2018, 7:08 PM
iamjessklein updated the task description. (Show Details)

We have two volunteers so far: @Dank and @Kerry_Raymond. Both of them are highly active contributors to the English Wikipedia and have significant experience with the visual editor.

Thanks @Whatamidoing-WMF , @Kerry_Raymond and @Dank - we are still in the planning phase of this work, but once we move beyond planning, I will send around instructions on how to do the review.

@Volker_E has also agreed to do the review.

I will reflect this in changes in the task.

@Amire80 - Can I list you as the RTL evaluator?

I'd be happy to participate as an engineering team evaluator if you need more from that perspective.

Great and thanks, we're at a good place now. I'm closing the ticket.