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CX2: Provide access to version 2 information from the dashboard switch
Closed, ResolvedPublic


A switch in the translation dashboard allows users to enable version 2 of Content Translation (T194387). However, users may not be aware of how is such version different from the previous one or where to check for the new improvements.

In order to provide more context for users, once the new version is activated, two options will be provided below the "Using the new version" label:

  • "Learn more" which will link to the CX2 help page, opening it on a new tab/window.
  • "Disable" which, as currently does, will switch to version 1.

Note that since the number of options has been increased, both are shown below the "Using the new version" label, instead of following the text flow after it.

cx-version-switcher-enabled-more.png (768×1 px, 173 KB)

Event Timeline

Change 462320 had a related patch set uploaded (by Petar.petkovic; owner: Petar.petkovic):
[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] Provide help link in CX version switcher

Change 462320 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] Provide help link in CX version switcher

@Etonkovidova This is a priority for the train tomorrow. Can you please test it sometime today? Thanks.

Checked in cx2 in Chrome, FF, Safari, and Windows Edge - all functionality is in place. I've added this task to my list of fixes to check specifically in wmf.23.

@Pginer-WMF - please review the following:
Below are my general observations - they may be addressed later if they'd be triaged as phab tasks.

(1) 'Try new version' option requires from a user to make a decision on which translation version to use prior to even selecting a new translation.

  • A user types something in the 'New translation' text box and selects a suggestion from the drop down list.
  • Clicks on 'Try new version' (or 'Disable') - his selection will be discarded.
  • The option of selecting translation won't even change - a user needs to click one more time so his selection will take effect.

Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at 1.26.30 PM.png (509×1 px, 144 KB)

The user at this point might get an impression that the option simply does not work.
Note: Selecting a new translation from 'Suggestions' prevents a user from clicking on the translation options (they are on inactive surface).

(2) It'd be helpful if 'Learn more' link would be displayed along with 'Try new version'.

(3) Multiple popups are displayed if a user keeps clicking on the 'Try new version' link (clicking on 'Try new version', then 'Disable', then, again on 'Try new version'). The issue is specific to cx2 - it does not happen in testwiki.

Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at 2.04.32 PM.png (587×466 px, 87 KB)

(4) It's not possible to have v1 in cx2 with clicking on the link.

Below are my general observations - they may be addressed later if they'd be triaged as phab tasks.

Thanks for the feedback, @Etonkovidova. Some comments below:

(1) 'Try new version' option requires from a user to make a decision on which translation version to use prior to even selecting a new translation.

Yes, currently it is presented as a general configuration option targeted to those that want to move to the new version. The "new translation dialog" acts as a modal, which let's you focus on the task but may get in the way of other options. We'll observe whether the switch is used as a configuration decision, or there is a need to use it right before starting a translation.

(2) It'd be helpful if 'Learn more' link would be displayed along with 'Try new version'.

We try to keep activation simple. There will be a more visible and detailed entry point that will provide such link when we complete T204817.

(3) Multiple popups are displayed if a user keeps clicking on the 'Try new version' link (clicking on 'Try new version', then 'Disable', then, again on 'Try new version'). The issue is specific to cx2 - it does not happen in testwiki.

Although this behaviour makes sense for testing the UI control, we expect users to switch to the new version and don't go back unless they have an issue when translating. I don't think it is worth it for now to improve for this scenario for now.

(4) It's not possible to have v1 in cx2 with clicking on the link.

In CX2 testing servers regardless of the status of the switch (enabled or disabled), the editor is always using version 2. This is a testing server specifically created for testing version 2 and it always uses that version. I think we want to keep CX2 server to always use CX2 and decide whether to (a) always show the "Using the new version" label without the option to disable or (b) keep the switch knowing it has no effect. For now I'd leave it as it is to avid interferences with the main code branch.

Thanks, @Pginer-WMF! Closing the task as Resolved.