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Add a Special:NewPagesFeed auto-refresh, similar to Watchlist's "Live Updates"
Closed, ResolvedPublicFeature


An auto-refresh similar to the new Watchlist 'Live Updates' button would be extremely advantageous (without disrupting scrolling).

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Aklapper renamed this task from Special:NewPagesFeed auto-refresh to Add a Special:NewPagesFeed auto-refresh, similar to Watchlist's "Live Updates".Oct 19 2018, 4:37 PM

@Insertcleverphrasehere: Adding PageTriage project tag so this task can be found when looking at PageCuration tasks at . No need to add team tags like Growth-Team; that is up to each team (or automatic filters).

@Aklapper What is the current status of this request?

@Kudpung: Not sure why you're asking me specifically. For the task status, see "Open" in the upper left corner: You or anyone else is free to work on this task.
For general understanding and information, see - thanks!

Adding some comments from the enwiki discussion to this ticket, for visibility:

Auto refresh. [...] The feed should auto refresh every 5 seconds like the other one does. This is the other main reason why so many patrollers won't move over to Page Curation. Whatever we encourage them to do, they will hover with their mouses over that feed ready to pounce as soon as they can add a deletion tag to a new article. The rest of the stuff, even low hanging fruit, they leave untouched. Suggestion: In the feed's user settings ('Set filters"), provide a choice of manual refreshing using the existing button, or auto refreshing. Then rename 'Set filters' to 'Preferences' (everyone on the Internet knows what preferences means). @Kudpung 11:04 pm, 8 October 2016, Saturday

We originally decided to not auto-refresh the Special:NewPagesFeed interface for two reasons: First, it doesn't work that well with infinite scrolling. If you've loaded several pages worth of articles via infinite scrolling and then the list refreshes, you have to basically start over. Second, the Special:NewPagesFeed interface is geared more towards actual analysis of pages (via the snippets and metadata) than Special:NewPages, which is more tailored towards fast scanning. When you're actually reading the snippets and metadata to analyze a page, it's more disruptive to do an auto-refresh. However, both of these issues could be mitigated with a user preference as you suggest (for people that only want to patrol from the very top). An abundance of user preferences, however, can lead to decision fatigue. So it's important to only provide preferences that will actually be used.[1] Are there any discussions or other evidence that people actually want such an option at Special:NewPagesFeed? @kaldari 9:43 pm, 11 October 2016, Tuesday

An alternative is to do it like Twitter does, where after 5 seconds or so a banner will appear at the top saying "View 5 more tweets", etc. This is effectively the same as a live feed but won't be so obtrusive, and won't require an additional user option to turn it on/off (those who don't want it simply won't click on the banner). To take it a step further, automatically removing pages from the list that have already been patrolled seems like a lot of work and I suspect performance would be an issue. From my own experience I'm happy with manually refreshing, but I also usually work from the bottom of the backlog @MusikAnimal 4:36 pm, 15 October 2016, Saturday

I think the effort to value ratio on this ticket might be a little low, but multiple NPPs still want this feature as of 2022.

I think we will need to decide on the "how" before we can submit a patch for this. More discussion is needed on the "how".

I think the effort to value ratio on this ticket might be a little low, but multiple NPPs still want this feature as of 2022.

I think we will need to decide on the "how" before we can submit a patch for this. More discussion is needed on the "how".

A setInterval() which calls the same function as the refresh list function would work. Not sure what the current UI trend is though. This can be attached to a checkbox called Auto-refresh.

Every 5 seconds seems too high a frequency. 30 seconds or a minute should probably be enough.

Thanks for the ideas. Sounds good to me if you want to code up a prototype.

Change 848719 had a related patch set uploaded (by MPGuy2824; author: MPGuy2824):

[mediawiki/extensions/PageTriage@master] NewPagesFeed: Add ability to autorefresh the list every 30 seconds

Change 848719 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/PageTriage@master] NewPagesFeed: Add ability to autorefresh the list every 30 seconds

MPGuy2824 claimed this task.
MPGuy2824 moved this task from Waiting for enwiki deploy to Done on the PageTriage board.
MPGuy2824 changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Feature Request".