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[Section Editing] New feature request: add sections while editing
Open, Needs TriagePublic


This request was raised during user testing conducted by @iamjessklein . The user requested the ability to add a new section while editing using the section editing interface. This was not part of the original scope of section editing, but is a feature we should evaluate for future iterations.

Event Timeline

On desktop, you can already insert a heading using the format menu, which results in a new section. On mobile we don’t have that menu on the toolbar, though.

I agree this is a feature we should consider for future iterations; however, I think any conversation around prioritization is better suited for a time when we have feedback – quantitative and qualitative – about how it's being used by people outside of a testing context.

Related: I think it's important to mention this particular instance of feedback – to which this ticket is a response – comes from someone who does not edit on mobile or with VisualEditor (see the ~25 seconds beginning at 3:52). I say this as a reminder to ask our future selves questions resembling: What is the relationship be between editing on mobile and editing on desktop? What should contributors expect from the mobile editing experience?

Also, @matmarex in mentioning that editors contributing on desktop have the ability to add new sections [via format menu > Heading], are you suggesting those same editors are likely to expect similar functionality [1] to exist when contributing via VE on mobile? Just wanting to clarify b/c as you mentioned, there currently is no option - I've seen – to add new sections on mobile VE.

  1. "...ability to add a new section while editing using the section editing?"

I don't know. I can tell that I personally would expect it to be there.

@JTannerWMF, considering, as best I can tell, no further action is required on this task, where do you think the best place to move it?

Adding headings is something we will be considering as part of our toolbar/context work.