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Close the engineering mailing list
Closed, ResolvedPublic0 Estimated Story Points

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May 1 2019, 8:34 PM
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It's a low-value clone of the much-older wikitech-l, with half the audience missing, and some people forgetting that it's a now public list.

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

If there is a consensus for this it's easy to do. It's just "rmlist engineering" on the server.

By default the archives will be kept and stay public.. as they are.

Dzahn triaged this task as Medium priority.May 2 2019, 2:51 AM

Not sure what counts as consensus for something like this, but +1 from me: 100% of the traffic is CC-d from the wikitech or ops list; it's too underspecified to be useful to the people for whom wikitech is too high-volume; we already have the scrum of scrums for making sure everyone knows about everything important that's happening (and that consumes about 2-3 man-days per week, so if it does not fulfill that purpose, we better fix it or kill it); and there is repeatedly confusion about whether it is private (as it once was).

Not sure what counts as consensus for something like this

Yea, that's a good question. I would say not seeing anyone speak up against it in a while.. which seems to be the case.. though it wasn't on the list itself?

And then just have the existing list admins agree.

So per "Engineering list run by rfarrand at, nwilson at", adding @Rfarrand and @Quiddity

Not sure what counts as consensus for something like this

Maybe also send a heads-up to the list itself and link to this task (to not fragment discussion in this task and on the list)?

In any case: +1, close it please.

For some context:

wikitech-l is the historical list for technical matters. Since we were all volunteers most every thing happened on that public mailing list

As the foundation has grown, a private engineering list has been created to easily reach with all employees/contractors working on technical matters. In a private space since lot of discussions had no interest to the public (eg project sync up, questions about the internal of the infrastructure, position changes etc).

In January 2016 the list has been made public , a trace is found at , thus kind of overlappng purpose with wikitech-l but missing the internal / private part. Discussions then happened on other lists (one to broadcast announces internally, another one for the infrastructure (ops) and team based lists).

The only purpose of engineering list nowadays could be seen as a low noise / announcement list which would be a strict subset of wikitech-l. Or in short, it does not serve much purpose anyway, its use cases having shifted to other lists as soon as it has been made public.

+1 ;D

Agreed, no need to keep it from my perspective

+1 to close :)

Back when the list was still private, it also had some overlap "ops-l", which continues to be a private list for anyone with production access (volunteers, WMDE, WMF) about operational matters (e.g. don't deploy when x is happening, etc.). Any remaining use cases for engineering-l would likely spread between ops-l and wikitech-l.

Ping @ArielGlenn who is on SRE clinic duty this week(?)

Ping @ArielGlenn who is on SRE clinic duty this week(?)

Nah, that was last week. I'll pass this on to the person for this week however.

So... how to get attention again of SRE for this task? :)

Pinging @herron who is apparently on SRE clinic duty this week.

herron claimed this task.

List has been closed!