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Discussions with no headline aren't displayed in the talk page interface
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There are certain parts of the talk page that do not render in the mobile version:

mobile talkmobile talk (Wiki version)
meta.m.wikimedia.org_wiki_Talk_Wikipedia_Asian_Month_2019(iPhone 6_7_8).png (1×750 px, 175 KB)
meta.m.wikimedia.org_wiki_Wikipedia_Asian_Month_2019(iPhone 6_7_8).png (1×750 px, 59 KB)

Note that everything above "CN Banner" is excluded from the mobile version.

I propose to display such discussions with a fake headline, something along "Untitled post". Original report:

See screencast below:

Event Timeline

Jdlrobson subscribed.

Yeh this is a known problem. The lead is usually used to explain how to use the talk page but the templates are rarely mobile friendly or if they are they push down topics making it hard to see them. As in the example you post sometimes topics dont have headings which we can't detect easily programatically.

Ideally we would include the lead somewhere in the talk overlay but possibly underneath an information sign.

This will need a lot of design input so pushing to Alex.

@Urbanecm thanks for raising this. I understand the issue. Marking this as low since we have no current plans to work on mobile talk pages unfortunately. Maybe in scope for the editing team's upcoming project, cc @ppelberg

@nray @alexhollender seems relevant given our current sprint work.

Clicking "read as wiki page" reveals that content

However pages like are misleading, when "read as wiki page" shows there actually is some kind of talk topic. Could we change the language somehow to make this less confusing?

I agree it's confusing as is. I'm not really sure what language change would make it less confusing though without doing more work to parse the html to see if there is content there - All I can think of rn is something like 'No sections found on this page, but click on the "Read as wikipage button" and you could win' which is obviously horrible.

We could probably do some more work with the ParserOutput object to see if any content is present. I'm not sure what the best languages would be if content is found that is not a part of a section though

Just to give you a heads up. On svwiki there is now discussion on bot editing in a dummy header as a work around of this problem since the issue seem to have so low priority that it will not get solved quick enough. 40 000 talk pages are estimated to get such an edit.

Jdlrobson moved this task from Bugs to Blocked on the MinervaNeue board.
Jdlrobson removed a project: MobileFrontend.
Jdlrobson changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Mar 26 2021, 10:19 PM

Stalled per T278590

This issue only seems to impact the MobileFrontend overlay, which the Editing Team is planning to deprecate and replace with a new DiscussionTools interface.

There are a few places you can go to learn about and participate in the work the Editing Team is doing to make it easier for people, across experience levels, to use mobile talk pages constructively:

  • Read and/or subscribe to the network of tasks associated with T278588 that are of interest to you
  • Read and/or add the project' MediaWiki project page to your watchlist: Talk pages project/Mobile

Of course, if any question/ideas/concerns emerge as you're reading the above, please send me a message on my talk page: