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In Visual Editor it appears to be impossible to replicate a reference, only to re-use it
Open, Needs TriagePublic


In Visual Editor, if you copy a reference and paste it, it inserts it as reusing (<ref name="qudditch-through-the-ages" />).

It would be useful to also have a way to fully copy the reference content and then only change some parts, such as page number.

This bug is similar to T67593, but simpler: just allow copying the whole thing, inside and outside.

Event Timeline

JTannerWMF added a project: Editing Design.

Hey @iamjessklein, we are adding this to your backlog for sometime in the next year. We would like you to think about what is an effective way to communicate to contributors the difference between duplicating/forking and reusing a reference. Another way of thinking of this is the use of a reference (where it is used on a page) versus the content of a reference.