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Exposed HTML in WikibaseMediaInfo autocomplete suggestions (CVE-2020-6163)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Introduced in T235754: Implement haswbstatement:P<depicts>=Q<your term> autocomplete suggestions:

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@matthiasmullie (probably the previous ping does not work)

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[@Bugreporter: Please stop pinging people one by one and creating notification emails for each comment. Thanks for your understanding.]

Reedy triaged this task as Medium priority.Dec 18 2019, 5:01 PM

This is now fixed - confirmed with example mentioned in task description.

@matthiasmullie - Is there a gerrit patch set or security patch we could reference here? Backports to supported release branches or a CVE? The Security-Team can help with the latter if need be. Thanks.

Yes - not sure why gerritbot didn't pick it up, but here's the patch:

Thanks! gerritbot can't currently see security-protected Phab tasks.

So it doesn't look like templates/search/PropertySuggestionsWidget.mustache+dom existed in REL1_34 or previous, so no backports necessary. I'm going make the task public now and request a CVE.

sbassett changed the visibility from "Custom Policy" to "Public (No Login Required)".Jan 7 2020, 9:39 PM
sbassett moved this task from Other WMF team to Done on the acl*security board.
sbassett moved this task from Watching to Our Part Is Done on the Security-Team board.
sbassett renamed this task from Exposed HTML in WikibaseMediaInfo autocomplete suggestions to Exposed HTML in WikibaseMediaInfo autocomplete suggestions (CVE-2020-6163).Jan 8 2020, 6:18 PM