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Help with surfacing coronavirus info in "in the news" on enwiki
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There's a community discussion going on here:

Is there anything we can do to help -- perhaps suggesting design ideas?

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perhaps suggesting design ideas?

@MNovotny_WMF sounds like this one would be for your team?

James says there's a tentative majority on this thread:

Can we geolocate content on this page? We have COVID19 articles in almost every language. @ovasileva -- can you please talk to your team and see what the options are?

FYI: we put together a summary of the suggestions and sent out to teams
earlier today, hoping to build on the great suggestions already collected.

James says there's a tentative majority on this thread:

Can we geolocate content on this page? We have COVID19 articles in almost every language. @ovasileva -- can you please talk to your team and see what the options are?

We'll look into this.

Just a note that as of last night editors have added a special section for this (effectively Suggestion 5 from @MNovotny_WMF's PDF). The template for the new box is at

Can we geolocate content on this page?

Just as a note, we have technical infrastructure to do this (with help of JS or some sort of custom gadget), but I suspect that enwiki community might have misgivings about showing different content to different users.

Enwp volunteers already implemented a fix, closing for now but can reopen if necessary.