This task is about inviting Senior Contributors to test the New Discussion Tool prototype.
Feedback invitation
Title: New Discussion Tool prototype testing
The prototype of the New Discussion Tool is ready and we would value you trying it out and sharing what you think could be improved about how it functions.
When you are ready to share what you have to say, we would value you adding a new topic on this talk page by doing the following:
- "Start a new topic" on this talk page
- Name this new topic: "V1.0 Prototype feedback: YOUR USERNAME"
- Write the answers to you have to the questions listed under the "Sharing feedback" heading below.
Note: another test is being run in parallel with people who have little or no experience using Wikipedia talk pages.
Link to prototype
You can try the prototype by clicking the link below on a desktop computer.
This link will take you to a clone of's Teahouse page on a test wiki whose contents will eventually be deleted. With this in mind, please feel empowered to experiment knowing you will not be affecting any project or other people.
Note: we are using's Teahouse page as the test page because it contains a variety of components we want to ensure the New Discussion Tool works well with: custom calls to action for opening the section=new page, content that is preloaded into that section=new page, lots of conversations.
Sharing feedback
These are the questions we would value you answering:
- Compare the prototype to to the current Add topic experience...are there particular workflows you use the existing Add topic workflow for and pages/conversations you use it in that the prototype does not accommodate?
- What do you wish was different about the prototype?
- What do you appreciate about the prototype?
Announcement locations
Location | Announcement URL | Personal responsible for posting |
---|---|---| | | @ppelberg | |ويكيبيديا:الميدان/تقنية#أداة_جديدة_للمحادثات:_أضف_موضوعا | @Dyolf77_WMF | |ástroj_na_přidáván%C3%AD_nových_vláken | Patriccck | |édia:Kocsmafal_(műszaki)/Arch%C3%ADv134#Új_szakasz_nyitása_a_válaszeszközzel | Samat |
- The contents of the "Feedback invitation" section are posted in the places listed in the "Announcement locations" section