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Make volunteers aware of New Discussion Tool's availability as beta feature
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task is about making volunteers at the ===Projects aware when and how the New Discussion Tool will be offered as a Beta Feature.

Announcement timing

BEFORE Tuesday, 9-March-2021.**


As part of this deployment, the New Discussion Tool should be made available as a beta feature at all Wikipedias EXCEPT those listed in the table listed below.

1.English Wikipediaen.wikiThis will likely happen as part of T273146.
2.Russian Wikipediaru.wikiThis will likely happen as part of T276493.
3.German Wikipediade.wikiThis will likely happen as part of T276494.

Announcement links

Announcement components

People who read the announcement should finish it knowing:

  • When they will be able to try the New Discussion Tool
  • How they will be able to try the New Discussion Tool
  • What functionality the New Discussion Tool offers them
  • Where they can go to share feedback and questions about the New Discussion Tool
  • What they can do to turn off the tool if they would prefer not to use it
  • What enhancements are planned for the tool


Making volunteers aware of this change before it happens is especially important as the New Discussion Tool intersects with peoples' existing workflows and expectations for adding a new topic to a talk page. More context in the Background section of T270788's description.

Note: we're continuing with the "make announcements approach" for the reasons explained in T270788#6780931. Although, if in T275830 we come to learn this approach has issues, we'll revise.

Event Timeline


  • Updated task description with announcement timing and the projects who should be made aware of this announcement.

@ppelberg, all projects or all Wikipedias? I see that you updated other tasks’ descriptions (e.g. T275827#6884719), but this one still says all projects.

@ppelberg, all projects or all Wikipedias? I see that you updated other tasks’ descriptions (e.g. T275827#6884719), but this one still says all projects.

Great spot. I'm glad you said something about this, @Tacsipacsi ...task description updated.

Note: the deployment to non-Wikipedia projects will happen in T276498.

ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)