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Linking a mentee to a user who is not a mentor
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


We suddenly discovered that several members were tied to a bot that was never on the mentor list. But his name is on the page description (Проект:Помощь_начинающим/Наставники). Could it be that a QBA-II-bot was included in the mentor list because his username was on the page?

image.png (170×1 px, 38 KB)

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Iniquity changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Bug Report".Feb 27 2021, 8:18 PM

Indeed. The list of mentors is determined by the links to NS_USER from the mentorship page. I just removed a link to both bots, and I can confirm they aren't in the list of available mentors anymore (for the record, see P14516).

For the record, there are currently 600 users assigned to bots:

mysql:research@dbstore1005.eqiad.wmnet [ruwiki]> SELECT user_name, COUNT(*) FROM user_properties JOIN user ON up_value=user_id WHERE up_property="growthexperiments-mentor-id" AND user_name IN ("QBA-II-bot", "IluvatarBot") GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC;
| user_name   | COUNT(*) |
| IluvatarBot |      313 |
| QBA-II-bot  |      287 |
2 rows in set (0.382 sec)

@MMiller_WMF @OTichonova @RHo I think we should work on a form of T264343: Have a special page for mentors to sign up as part of the mentor dahboard. That way, such honest mistakes (linking a non-mentor user from the insturctions) won't happen. I believe they're more and more likely as we scale to more and more wikis.

mysql:research@dbstore1005.eqiad.wmnet [ruwiki]> SELECT user_name, COUNT(*) FROM user_properties JOIN user ON up_value=user_id WHERE up_property="growthexperiments-mentor-id" AND user_name IN ("QBA-II-bot", "IluvatarBot") GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC;
| user_name   | COUNT(*) |
| IluvatarBot |      313 |
| QBA-II-bot  |      287 |
2 rows in set (0.382 sec)

Can we reassign them? :)

mysql:research@dbstore1005.eqiad.wmnet [ruwiki]> SELECT user_name, COUNT(*) FROM user_properties JOIN user ON up_value=user_id WHERE up_property="growthexperiments-mentor-id" AND user_name IN ("QBA-II-bot", "IluvatarBot") GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC;
| user_name   | COUNT(*) |
| IluvatarBot |      313 |
| QBA-II-bot  |      287 |
2 rows in set (0.382 sec)

Can we reassign them? :)

Sure, give me a while :).

Sure, give me a while :).

Thank you! I was just sure that the list is formed only from the nicknames indicated in the list from the first section.

@Iniquity If you can just give me a reason (in Russian) that should appear in the notification for the reassigned mentees, I'd appreciate it. I usually use something like "your previous mentor is no longer available, so we assigned you a new one", but the choice is up to you.

@Iniquity If you can just give me a reason (in Russian) that should appear in the notification for the reassigned mentees, I'd appreciate it. I usually use something like "your previous mentor is no longer available, so we assigned you a new one", but the choice is up to you.

Yes, a good phrase :) But can we reassign IluvatarBot's mentees to without any message? He is a mentor.

And message for QBA-II-bot: "Вам в наставники случайно выдали бездушную железяку! Но мы это заметили и исправили, теперь вашим наставником будет человек."

For the record, similar issues will be avoided if (once?) T264343: Have a special page for mentors to sign up is implemented.

Urbanecm_WMF claimed this task.

I don't think there's anything else actionable, apart from fixing the mentor list (seems to be done) and the reassignment (QBA-II-bot done a while ago, forgot to do IluvatarBot the other day, fixed now). Structured mentor list will be deployed fairly soon, and that should prevent similar issues from recurring.