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[SPIKE] Determine how and where automatic topic subscription preferences can be managed
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This spike is about defining how and where people will be able to manage their automatic topic subscription preferences.


Notifications are valuable to the extent they inform people when something happens they consider to be interesting and relevant.

Core to delivering on the above is ensuring people have easy access to settings that enable them to decide, with sufficient granularity, what events they do and do not want to be notified about.

This spike is about arriving at an initial opinion about what "easy access" and "sufficient granularity" mean in the context of automatic topic subscriptions.

Question(s) this spike should answer

  • Where is the preference for automatically subscribing to topics surfaced?


  • Answers to all ===Open questions are documented in the task description
  • Tickets are created for any new work that emerges in the course of answering the ===Open questions above

Event Timeline

What does "within tools" mean in this context?

ppelberg renamed this task from [SPIKE] Determine how – if at all – topic subscription preferences can be managed from within tools to [SPIKE] Determine how and where automatic topic subscription preferences can be managed.May 14 2021, 10:02 PM
ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)

What does "within tools" mean in this context?

E.g. a setting people can adjust when they have a Reply or New Discussion Tool open.

Question(s) this spike should answer

  • Where is the preference for automatically subscribing to topics surfaced?

To start, people will have two options for managing automatic topic subscriptions:

  1. They will be able to opt-out of being automatically subscribed to conversations entirely by adjusting a to-be created preference in Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing
  2. They will be able to unsubscribe to conversations they have automatically been subscribed to by clicking the [ unsubscribe ] affordance that will accompany all talk page conversations

If the two options above prove to be insufficient, we will explore offering people more granular control over the conversations they are and are not automatically subscribed to.

Where "granular control" in this context could mean: exposing a setting within the Reply and New Discussion Tools themselves that allows people to explicitly decide whether they would like to be notified when new comments are posted in the particular conversation they are starting or commenting in without impacting the state of the setting within Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing.

ppelberg claimed this task.
ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)