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Topic Containers: Design User Experience
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task represents the work of defining the user experience of talk page "topic containers."

For now, information about this work can be found in T269950.

// Issue Template to Fill In:


This section contains the impact the given intervention is being designed to have.

User stories

This section contains the user stories for the functionality that is being proposed.

As a (insert persona), I need/want to (ability/action/experience) so that I can (outcome/end state).


This section contains the constraints that will influence the implementation will need to comply with.

Testing instructions

This section contains the explicit steps QA should take to verify this is working as expected.


This section contains what needs to be true in order for the task to be resolved

Event Timeline

ppelberg moved this task from Backlog to Triaged on the DiscussionTools board.
ppelberg moved this task from Untriaged to Next Quarter on the Editing-team board.

In the usability testing that we performed in T281438, we proposed that we should revisit the ui of the subscribe/unsubscribe buttons - to feel more button-like

In the usability testing that we performed in T281438, we proposed that we should revisit the ui of the subscribe/unsubscribe buttons - to feel more button-like

@iamjessklein: can you share what's led you to propose that we, "...revisit the ui of the subscribe/unsubscribe buttons - to feel more button-like." ?

...I ask the above having read through T281438 and not seen what test finding has led to the proposed solution above.

This was the inciting usability test observation: T281438
> 1 tester was completely unaware that they unsubscribed by double clicking the inline button

ppelberg renamed this task from Design topic container to make talk page conversations more legible to Topic Containers: Design User Experience.Oct 15 2021, 8:19 PM
ppelberg reopened this task as Open.
ppelberg claimed this task.