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Inline templates in the lead sections won't show on page preview, reducing readability
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


Chinese Wikipedia has a {{地区用词2}} Template to show the name of a subject corresponding to user variant , which is used very frequently on lead sections of articles.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. View zhwiki article 奥斯曼帝国 (and it permanent link). You can see a {{地區用詞}} (which internally use {{地区用词2}}) template in the lead section. It is expanded as the image below shows (in the red rectangle):
    Untitled.png (506×2 px, 93 KB)
  2. Then open this page, on which a link to 奥斯曼帝国 article exists. Hover on this link to get the preview, like this image:
    Untitled1.png (1×1 px, 173 KB)
  3. Compared to the article text, {{地区用词2}} template is not displayed (the red rectangle is empty). It is expected to be the displayed just as that in the first image.

This bug has a strong impact on readability, so I hope this bug will be fixed soon.

Event Timeline

Aklapper changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Jun 7 2021, 10:56 AM

Hi @Tranve, thanks for taking the time to report this! Please see and provide clear steps to reproduce (including links), what you expect, and what happens instead.

@Aklapper Sorry for inconvenience, I've updated the description to provide more details.

Aklapper changed the task status from Stalled to Open.Jun 7 2021, 4:38 PM
Jdlrobson subscribed.

The content of page previews come the mobile content service API, so that's where this would need to be analyzed and fixed.

This issue happens because /summary endpoint receives wrong extract and extract_html properties. Similar problem has been resolved in this task:
However, this particular case happens because mobileapps removes necessary data from the tag attribute.
Here is the problem part of the Parsoid output that is received by processing module (lib/processing.js):

<p id="mwFw"><b about="#mwt34" typeof="mw:Transclusion" data-mw="{&quot;parts&quot;:[{&quot;template&quot;:{&quot;target&quot;:{&quot;wt&quot;:&quot;地區用詞&quot;,&quot;href&quot;:&quot;./Template:地區用詞&quot;},&quot;params&quot;:{&quot;start&quot;:{&quot;wt&quot;:&quot;{{lang-ota|دولت علیه عثمانیه}},{{lang-tr|Osmanlı İmparatorluğu}}&quot;},&quot;cn&quot;:{&quot;wt&quot;:&quot;奥斯曼帝国&quot;},&quot;tw&quot;:{&quot;wt&quot;:&quot;鄂圖曼帝國&quot;},&quot;hk&quot;:{&quot;wt&quot;:&quot;tw&quot;}},&quot;i&quot;:0}}]}" id="mwGA">

As we can see, the main text content that is needed for summary is inside data-mw attribute which is removing while transformation process in lib/transformations/rmAttributes.js ( link )

So in the output we receive empty <b> tag like this:

<p id="mwFw"><b id="mwGA"></b>是一个存在于 ...

In conclusion this is propably Parsoid/Parser issue of how it parses zh wikitext.
Seems that this part of wikitext is broken:

{{地區用詞|start={{lang-ota|دولت علیه عثمانیه}},{{lang-tr|Osmanlı İmparatorluğu}}|cn=奥斯曼帝国|tw=鄂圖曼帝國|hk=tw}}是一个存在于1299年至1923年的军事[[帝国]],国名来自创立者[[奥斯曼一世|奧-{}-斯曼一世]],以[[伊斯兰教]]为国教。

Here is Parsoid output with the highlighted DOM-node:

zh-wiki-parser.png (1×2 px, 1 MB)

@ssastry , could you take a look?

Arlolra subscribed.

The wikitext,

{{地區用詞|start={{lang-ota|دولت علیه عثمانیه}},{{lang-tr|Osmanlı İmparatorluğu}}|cn=奥斯曼帝国|tw=鄂圖曼帝國|hk=tw}}是一个存在于1299年至1923年的军事[[帝国]],国名来自创立者[[奥斯曼一世|奧-{}-斯曼一世]],以[[伊斯兰教]]为国教。

expands to,

<b about="#mwt1" typeof="mw:Transclusion" data-parsoid='{"dsr":[0,151,null,null],"pi":[[{"k":"start","named":true},{"k":"cn","named":true},{"k":"tw","named":true},{"k":"hk","named":true}]]}' data-mw='{"parts":[{"template":{"target":{"wt":"地區用詞","href":"./Template:地區用詞"},"params":{"start":{"wt":"{{lang-ota|دولت علیه عثمانیه}},{{lang-tr|Osmanlı İmparatorluğu}}"},"cn":{"wt":"奥斯曼帝国"},"tw":{"wt":"鄂圖曼帝國"},"hk":{"wt":"tw"}},"i":0}}]}'><span typeof="mw:LanguageVariant" data-mw-variant='{"twoway":[{"l":"zh-cn","t":"&lt;span typeof=\"mw:LanguageVariant\" data-mw-variant=&apos;{\"filter\":{\"l\":[\"zh\",\"zh-hans\"],\"t\":\"奥斯曼帝国\"}}&apos; data-parsoid=&apos;{\"fl\":[\"zh\",\"zh-hans\"]}&apos;>&lt;/span>"},{"l":"zh-hk","t":"&lt;span typeof=\"mw:LanguageVariant\" data-mw-variant=&apos;{\"filter\":{\"l\":[\"zh\",\"zh-hant\"],\"t\":\"鄂圖曼帝國\"}}&apos; data-parsoid=&apos;{\"fl\":[\"zh\",\"zh-hant\"]}&apos;>&lt;/span>"},{"l":"zh-tw","t":"&lt;span typeof=\"mw:LanguageVariant\" data-mw-variant=&apos;{\"filter\":{\"l\":[\"zh\",\"zh-hant\"],\"t\":\"鄂圖曼帝國\"}}&apos; data-parsoid=&apos;{\"fl\":[\"zh\",\"zh-hant\"]}&apos;>&lt;/span>"}]}'></span></b> ...

The relevant part is not the bold tag itself, but the span inside it that start with,

<span typeof="mw:LanguageVariant" data-mw-variant='{"twoway" ...

Parsoid's conversion traverser doesn't quite know what to do with this markup,

		} elseif ( isset( $dmv->twoway ) ) {
			// FIXME

This seems similar to T258118. Parsoid's language converter implementation for zhwiki isn't ready for production use of read views yet, T204969