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Translate missing articles from the mobile language selector
Open, MediumPublic


On mobile web, the language switcher provides a good opportunity to identify that an article is missing in the language the user is interested in, and provide a way to translate it.

This entry point provides:

  • An option to translate at the end of the list of languages. This will be more visible on articles that are available in very few languages.
  • Suggestions to translate when the user searches for a language for which the content is not available. (Covered in T286645)
    • Up to two languages matching the user query will be shown with an additional option for more. If only one language matches the user query, the list of frequent languages from the user can be used to show an additional one.
    • Note that the option to translate should not be provided if the user query is not matching any known language (e.g., a test string such as "asdfasdf")

All the actions provided will link to the confirmation step in section translation with the current article selected, the source language set to the article language, and the target language based on the user selection (or a frequent language if no explicit selection was made).

mob-switch.png (800×375 px, 39 KB)
mob-switch-search.png (800×375 px, 26 KB)

Ideally this should be supported as part of the new language selector (T253303), but if it is expected for the new selector to take significant time to be available as the default one on mobile, the current one on the mobile skin can be updated to incorporate the above improvements as a temporary solution.

Dependency: T260144: New translation: Start a new article by translating the lead section on mobile

Event Timeline

Pginer-WMF renamed this task from Translate missing articles form the mobile language selector to Translate missing articles from the mobile language selector.Jul 14 2021, 10:01 AM
Pginer-WMF moved this task from Backlog to Entry points on the SectionTranslation board.
Pginer-WMF raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Jul 23 2021, 2:58 PM
Pginer-WMF lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Jul 23 2021, 3:09 PM