Persian Wikipedia (fawiki) is implementing a change that would disallow IP editors from editing the main namespace (implemented via T291018). We should capture metrics to assess the impact of this change on the project's health, similar to ptwiki metrics.
Relevant links:
Proposed metrics and measurements:
A series of metrics were proposed by the fawiki community. Some have been implemented as SQL queries by @Jeeputer and the queries and latest results can be found on this page. Also note that some of the metric definitions may need to mature more e.g. be time dependent (e.g. "within X days") and some include definitions (e.g. "newly registered users") that have to be carefully crafted into SQL queries using a mixture of features such as registration date, number of prior edits until a specific edit, etc.
- Proportion of all IP edits that have been patrolled within X days
- Number of edits by newly registered users
- Total edits per namespace per day/week
- The restriction only applies to the main namespace, therefore, edits in Talk namespace are expected to increase
- If the restriction has a deterrent effect, total edits across all namespaces may decline
A series of metrics were used in the past experience on ptwiki; these were all trended overtime with a monthly bandwidth:
- Number of new accounts
- Number of active user editors
- Retention rate
- Number of edits
- Number of reverts
- Number of net non-reverted edits
- Number of net non-reverted content edits
- Number of blocks
- Number of protected pages
- Number of CheckUser requests
Qualitative measurements were informally done in the ptwiki experience. It may be worthwhile to solicit feedback from the users more formally, both during and after the temporary restriction.
Weekly dashboard
The dashboard of fawiki metrics: . It will be refreshed weekly. T292781#7517279.
Summary by December 2021
Persian (Farsi) Wikipedia community started blocking IP editing on content pages since October 20,2021, which is the Wednesday of 42th week in 2021. In the below week over week comparison, to minimize seasonality impact, we choose the 49th week (2021-12-06 ~ 2021-12-12) , which does not include any holidays. We do not compare the trend year over year, because too many factors are impacting user behavior. One of the factors is pandemic, which impacted user behavior in the last two years and is still having the impact.
Here are observations 8 weeks after the change, i.e. 49th Week of 2021 compared to 41st week. After turning off IP editing on article page on fawiki, we saw:
- No significant increase in active registered editors, 1735 active registered editors in week 41, 1768 in week 49.
- No significant increase in new accounts, from 1778 in week 41 to 1785 in week 49. Turning off IP editing on article pages did not lead to a significant increase in new accounts.
- A 27% decrease in total edits, from 55753 in week 41 to 40505 in week 49
- A 45% decrease in reverts, from 5555 in week 41 to 3031 in week 49. The decrease is mainly from reverts on article content pages.
- A 18% decrease in net non-reverted edits excluding bot edits, from 35796 in week 41 to 29085 in week 49
- A 51% decrease in blocks From 543 in week 41 to 268 in week 49
- No obvious changes in Retention rate, Need more time to observe.
- No obvious trend on checkusers
- A 72% decrease in protected pages, from 157 in week 39 (week 41 is an abnormal week) to 44 in week 49. The decrease is mainly from protection on article content pages.
Please see 2021 report for details.
Provide measures on content page and talk page separately
T297653 Have enabled in weekly dashboard.