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Define strategy for partnering with volunteers on talk page usability work
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task represents the work involved with defining how will we go about partnering/working with new and experienced volunteers throughout the course of the Usability portion of the Talk pages project.

Specifically, this task will involve, at a high level, doing the following:

  1. Defining the people and projects we will be intentional about partnering with for the Usability portion of the Talk pages project
  2. Defining how we will go about partnering/working with the people and projects we will have defined in "1)"

Open questions

1.What people and projects will we be intentional about partnering with for the Usability portion of the Talk pages project?T296357
2.What objectives will we partner with particular populations of people and projects with to accomplish? E.g. Converge on a design approach that is most effective at helping Junior Contributors intuitively recognize talk pages as spaces to communicate with other volunteers.

Event Timeline

ppelberg claimed this task.