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Determine names of special pages when organizer creates registration
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We will need to determine the special page names for this workflow:

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Determine special page name for organizer center
  • Determine special page name for registration creation pages (used by organizer)

Event Timeline

Daimona renamed this task from Agree on a name for the CampaignEvents special page to Find a name for the CampaignEvents special page.Jan 4 2022, 3:18 PM
ifried renamed this task from Find a name for the CampaignEvents special page to Determine names of special pages when organizer creates registration.Jan 10 2022, 5:00 PM

I am thinking that we can have:

  • OrganizeCampaigns (for organizer side of campaign events platform)
  • CreateRegistration (for the registration configuration workflow for organizers)

Note: In the future, when we have a participant side to the Campaign Events Platform, perhaps it can be called JoinCampaigns or CampaignParticipant (something to figure out later).

Before we make a final decision, I would like other opinions, including @fnartey, @IBrazal, @BVershbow_WMF, and @gonyeahialam.

For the organizer center: I am talking to @fnartey and he thinks "Campaigns" is limiting. This is because organizers create a lot of event types, such as trainings, social hours, edit-a-thons, and not all of them are formally "campaigns." However, they may still want to use our tools, such as registration creation -- and, later on, event creation and the event calendar. For this reason, he recommends a more generic term that can cover a lot of organizing activity, such as potentially "OrganizeEvents" (but he needs more time to think it through before he has a final recommendation).

For registration creation: @fnartey thinks that CreateRegistration makes sense.

For the participant side: @fnartey recommends "MyEvents" or something else that has the word "Events" and is playful/casual (not super serious or intimidating sounding).

ifried updated the task description. (Show Details)
ldelench_wmf subscribed.

Blocked pending consultation with Community Programs

Quick update after T302273 is done. This special page has two use cases:

  • Creating a registration
  • Updating an existing registration

And we have 2 ways to do that:

  • Option 1: use two separate special pages, e.g. Special:CreateEventRegistration and Special:EditEventRegistration. Pros: clear separation of concerns. Cons: it's two pages instead of just one.
  • Option 2: use a single special page, controlling the mode with a subpage; e.g., Special:EditEventRegistration or Special:EditEventRegistration/new to create a new registration, and Special:EditEventRegistration/123 to edit a registration with the given numeric ID. Pros: just a simple page that users need to remember. Cons: less separation of concerns, the name of the special page itself is more generic.

The technical complexity is roughly the same, and I don't have tech-specific recommendations given the current set of features. I expect that as we introduce new features, either the two options will remain equally fine, or option 1 will become preferable.

The demo prototype uses option 2 because I thought it was simpler to implement, but on second thought, I think I prefer option 1.

Thanks for the context Emanuele, I also prefer option 1, and I am working on this, thank you!

I am talking with @Sadads, and we both think we should be using 'event' rather than 'campaign' in the naming, so:

  • OrganizeEvents (for organizer side of campaign events platform)
  • CreateRegistration (for the registration configuration workflow for organizers)

We want to do some language and user-testing on this.

Note: @IBrazal, @Geugeor, @Bachounda -- This is something we can also get feedback on during the office hours. Basically, we are thinking of having 2 special pages, which would be called:

  • OrganizeEvents (for organizer side of campaign events platform)
  • CreateRegistration (for the registration configuration workflow for organizers)

I feel pretty good about these names, but I would love to get feedback from other organizers. Do these names sound good and make sense to them?

It is fine to talk to them during office hours; however, it is advisable to explain what each term would contain as information. Then the organisers could better give a point of view.
Thank you

The final name selections can be found in T310201.

@gonyeahialam: Let us know if they look okay to you (ideally, within the next day or two), and then we can close this ticket as resolved. Thank you in advance!

ifried claimed this task.

This has been finalized