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EtherPad 1.1 sucks
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It seems to have loads of modal text box issues, central scrollbar is unusable in chrome...

It sucks muchly

Version: unspecified
Severity: minor



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 21 2014, 11:31 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz28601.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Only issue I've seen in Firefox 4 is the last line of the chat being cut off below the scroll bar.

Don't forget to collect links to the upstream bug tracker! Report anything that hasn't been already reported:

  • The #vdraggie element is dispositioned (hovering a username in the list

triggers the dragger)

  • #chatlines element has 22px offset from bottom and #chatbottom has height of

22px, but it also has a padding of 4px so the actual height is 30px (since in
the css box model padding is included). bottom offset should be 30px instead.

  • more weirdnesses and problems as a result of css problems that have clearly

not been extensively tested in enough modern browsers.

Dunno if this is specific to our install or should be reported upstream.

Besides the issues already discussed here (including the unusable scrollbar, doesn't work for me either in FF4), etherpad seems to eat all the empty lines when copy/pasting out of etherpad.


No changes in upstream yet. Annoying.

This bug will magically resolve itself whenever we migrate to EtherPad lite bug 34953.

Maybe we can even wont fix it right now :)

...better use the modern Etherpad lite. I programmed also an extension for it. .

Mean while still sucks with those annoying overflow bugs.

(In reply to comment #9)

Mean while still sucks with those annoying overflow

Indeed, cf. bug 34953 comment 6.

(In reply to comment #9)

Mean while still sucks with those annoying overflow


I've been in quite important meetings with 15+ attendants where Etherpad
Lite has been used exclusively -- so, clearly not for purposes that are
testing or staging. So, Labs is the wrong place to have this. Can you
coordinate with us (operations team) to move the service into a
production environment?

So there is still to do, and this seems the most logical place where to track it.

(In reply to comment #11)

Please use the labs setup


(Daniel Zahn on bug 29822 comment 11)

i would not recommend using labs, labs is for testing.

I consider that advice rescinded by ops (better late than never); bug 46539 is where updates are being posted and seems to be the way forward, so let's move there.

  • This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 46539 ***

Sorry, copy and paste fail: bug 45312.

  • This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 45312 ***