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Show Edit, History, and Watch tabs at narrow widths
Closed, DeclinedPublic



In T306229 we introduced a better system for hiding the tabs on narrow screens (specifically screens below 720px). However this change is possibly a functional regression for some community members because in legacy vector some tabs are still visible on narrow screens:

legacy vector (720px)vector 2022 (720px)
Screen Shot 2022-05-05 at 1.23.47 PM.png (460×720 px, 179 KB)
Screen Shot 2022-05-05 at 1.21.11 PM.png (396×719 px, 42 KB)


Specify certain tabs that will never hide (e.g. Edit, History, and Watch)

Event Timeline

ovasileva triaged this task as Medium priority.May 5 2022, 5:59 PM

+1. I definitely want the [edit/edit source/history/watchlist] tabs to be visible at all times, if there's any space for them.
I quite like the legacy Vector dynamic system (except for the jumping-issue).

At extra-small widths (and for languages with extra-long strings for labels), I wonder if it's possible to convert the words into icons? That way the positions/locations will be familiar, and the links will always remain instantly accessible.
But only when necessary: I vastly prefer having text instead of icons, because it's 1 fewer steps to 'interpret'.
E.g. Minerva always shows both icon + text at larger widths, but it removes the text at 1000px. In modern Vector, I'd prefer to have just the text, until the width becomes too small. (However, I also grok that variable i18n label-lengths might make this more complicated... My overall top priority is performance-speed, and having pages that finish-loading fast so that I can interact with them.)

FWIW it will be easy to not collapse these at lower resolutions but since space is limited, particularly when gadgets are introduced we should be selective about what we add. Perhaps we could be data-driven like we were for the user menu when we decided to pull the watchlist icon out of the dropdown and prioritize this initially based on feedback.

Here's a day worth of data prior to the change to get a sense of how much edit icons are used (counts are the edit source and edit button):

3	720px-999px	0 edits	143
4	720px-999px	1-4 edits	70
5	720px-999px	1000+ edits	582
6	720px-999px	5-99 edits	203
10	720px-999px	100-999 edits	187
15	320px-719px	0 edits	28
16	320px-719px	1-4 edits	5
17	320px-719px	1000+ edits	24
18	320px-719px	5-99 edits	13
28	320px-719px	100-999 edits	17
2	1200px-2000px	100-999 edits	1952
24	1200px-2000px	0 edits	1413
25	1200px-2000px	1-4 edits	632
26	1200px-2000px	1000+ edits	10102
27	1200px-2000px	5-99 edits	2121
1	1000px-1199px	100-999 edits	258
20	1000px-1199px	0 edits	119
21	1000px-1199px	1-4 edits	28
22	1000px-1199px	1000+ edits	882
23	1000px-1199px	5-99 edits	197
7	<320px	0 edits	1
8	<320px	1000+ edits	1
9	<320px	5-99 edits	1
11	>2000px	0 edits	36
12	>2000px	1-4 edits	35
13	>2000px	1000+ edits	235
14	>2000px	5-99 edits	82
19	>2000px	100-999 edits	44

Query: select event.viewportSizeBucket, event.editCountBucket, count(*) from desktopwebuiactionstracking where month = 5 and day = 1 and = 'vector-2022' and LIKE '%edit%' group by event.viewportSizeBucket, event.editCountBucket

FWIW it will be easy to not collapse these at lower resolutions but since space is limited, particularly when gadgets are introduced we should be selective about what we add. Perhaps we could be data-driven like we were for the user menu when we decided to pull the watchlist icon out of the dropdown and prioritize this initially based on feedback.

Here's a day worth of data prior to the change to get a sense of how much edit icons (VE and normal edit) are used:

viewportsizebucket	editcountbucket	_c2
1000px-1199px	100-999 edits	258
1200px-2000px	100-999 edits	1952
720px-999px	0 edits	143
720px-999px	1-4 edits	70
720px-999px	1000+ edits	582
720px-999px	5-99 edits	203
<320px	0 edits	1
<320px	1000+ edits	1
<320px	5-99 edits	1
720px-999px	100-999 edits	187
>2000px	0 edits	36
>2000px	1-4 edits	35
>2000px	1000+ edits	235
>2000px	5-99 edits	82
320px-719px	0 edits	28
320px-719px	1-4 edits	5
320px-719px	1000+ edits	24
320px-719px	5-99 edits	13
>2000px	100-999 edits	44
1000px-1199px	0 edits	119
1000px-1199px	1-4 edits	28
1000px-1199px	1000+ edits	882
1000px-1199px	5-99 edits	197
1200px-2000px	0 edits	1413
1200px-2000px	1-4 edits	632
1200px-2000px	1000+ edits	10102
1200px-2000px	5-99 edits	2121
320px-719px	100-999 edits	17

@Jdlrobson - is this clicks to all links in the tabs?

I replied elsewhere but this was only a count of clicks to edits. I ran the same query as before for today [1] and the data is more or less the same as before the change:


3	720px-999px	0 edits	143
4	720px-999px	1-4 edits	70
5	720px-999px	1000+ edits	582
6	720px-999px	5-99 edits	203
10	720px-999px	100-999 edits	187
15	320px-719px	0 edits	28
16	320px-719px	1-4 edits	5
17	320px-719px	1000+ edits	24
18	320px-719px	5-99 edits	13
28	320px-719px	100-999 edits	17
2	1200px-2000px	100-999 edits	1952
24	1200px-2000px	0 edits	1413
25	1200px-2000px	1-4 edits	632
26	1200px-2000px	1000+ edits	10102
27	1200px-2000px	5-99 edits	2121
1	1000px-1199px	100-999 edits	258
20	1000px-1199px	0 edits	119
21	1000px-1199px	1-4 edits	28
22	1000px-1199px	1000+ edits	882
23	1000px-1199px	5-99 edits	197
7	<320px	0 edits	1
8	<320px	1000+ edits	1
9	<320px	5-99 edits	1
11	>2000px	0 edits	36
12	>2000px	1-4 edits	35
13	>2000px	1000+ edits	235
14	>2000px	5-99 edits	82
19	>2000px	100-999 edits	44


720px-999px	0 edits	179
4	720px-999px	1-4 edits	53
5	720px-999px	1000+ edits	620
6	720px-999px	5-99 edits	184
9	720px-999px	100-999 edits	183
14	320px-719px	0 edits	11
15	320px-719px	1-4 edits	3
16	320px-719px	1000+ edits	14
17	320px-719px	5-99 edits	6
27	320px-719px	100-999 edits	2
2	1200px-2000px	100-999 edits	2196
23	1200px-2000px	0 edits	2131
24	1200px-2000px	1-4 edits	1016
25	1200px-2000px	1000+ edits	9258
26	1200px-2000px	5-99 edits	2724
1	1000px-1199px	100-999 edits	322
19	1000px-1199px	0 edits	172
20	1000px-1199px	1-4 edits	60
21	1000px-1199px	1000+ edits	763
22	1000px-1199px	5-99 edits	202
7	<320px	0 edits	1
8	<320px	1000+ edits	1
10	>2000px	0 edits	34
11	>2000px	1-4 edits	23
12	>2000px	1000+ edits	124
13	>2000px	5-99 edits	43

[1] select event.viewportSizeBucket, event.editCountBucket, count(*) from desktopwebuiactionstracking where month = 5 and day = 12 and = 'vector-2022' and LIKE '%edit%' group by event.viewportSizeBucket, event.editCountBucket

In addition to the data there has been absolutely no community comment on this change so it may not be as high a priority as we think it is and it might be worth throwing this into the backlog for now given we have a lot of things on our plate.

Looks like there's a small decrease, but agree that it doesn't seem urgent for now. Moving to backlog. cc @alexhollender_WMF

Removing inactive assignee. (Please update such things as part of offboarding - thanks.)

I'm closing this out because the Vector 2022 design has changed since this task was written, and I think it'd be better to revisit this issue if/when we decide Vector 2022 should support responsive/mobile devices. We could draw inspiration from Minerva, but in general this work should be tied to a larger product goal of Vector 2022 supporting mobile devices (which is not currently on our roadmap).

I wonder if it would be possible to simply turn these links into icons, under 720px?
My user-CSS accomplishes it like this (lines 953–1045):

I think that was one of the options I've heard informally for resolving T365631 - you might want to copy that comment over there.

That looks great, thanks @Quiddity. Deserves more visibility than just your user-css :)
Perhaps there's also a css-only solution to T328847 ?