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Overlapping notification icons in Vector 2022 skin
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


List of steps to reproduce (step by step, including full links if applicable):

  • Use the Vector 2022 skin
  • Have a large number of notifications (see below for a bit of Javascript if that's not already the case)
  • Set the browser's default font size in the settings to something larger, e.g. very large in Chrome-based browsers or 150% zoom with only the "only text" option selected in Firefox
  • or, set the interface language to Classical Chinese (some other languages which use their own numeral systems also have the same problem, although less prominently)

What happens?:
The notification icons overlap.

What should have happened instead?:
The notification icons should adjust to the size of the text and not overlap.

Software version (if not a Wikimedia wiki), browser information, screenshots, other information, etc.:

A bit of Javascript to make the interface mimic having the maximum number of notifications:

for (let e of document.querySelectorAll("#pt-notifications-alert a, #pt-notifications-notice a")) {
	e.dataset.counterText = mw.language.convertNumber("99+");
	e.dataset.counterNum = "100";

Chrome-based browser using English and very large font sizes:

sehrgroß.png (62×532 px, 5 KB)

Chrome-based browser using Classical Chinese and default font sizes:

lzh.png (54×339 px, 3 KB)

Firefox using English and default font sizes:

firefox.png (45×428 px, 4 KB)

Event Timeline

kostajh added subscribers: Jdlrobson, kostajh.

@Jdlrobson is this something your team is addressing with one of the other patches in progress?

I don't think so.

But, at very least if we do the technical work I'm proposing for Q1 this would become a web team bug rather than a Growth team bug, but until then we'll likely need to work together to fix this.

I think this is mostly a design issue right now. @alexhollender_WMF @RHo how would we expect these to look?

ovasileva triaged this task as Medium priority.Jun 27 2022, 2:48 PM
ovasileva moved this task from Incoming to Current Fiscal Year on the Web-Team-Backlog board.

I don't think so.

But, at very least if we do the technical work I'm proposing for Q1 this would become a web team bug rather than a Growth team bug, but until then we'll likely need to work together to fix this.

I think this is mostly a design issue right now. @alexhollender_WMF @RHo how would we expect these to look?

This seems like an edge case issue for when someone has 100 or more unread notifications or alerts because we show as three characters as 99+ (or other equivalent numeral systems). Could we simply limit the notification icon to 2 characters maximum? So if someone has 98 unread it will show as 98, but once they hit 101 it reverts to 9+?

@Nikki thanks for reporting this. To clarify the scope of this issue: does it happen in Legacy Vector as well? And are you able to share screenshots of how it looks (either way) in Legacy Vector?

I checked for boths skins - Vector legacy and Vector (2022) on testwiki wmf.8 and enwiki wmflabs (adding notifications with extensions/Echo/maintenance/generateSampleNotifications.php). The icons are displayed correctly - I checked up to 200% scale and, also checked for screen resizing (up to 500 px width).

Screen Shot 2022-11-07 at 3.11.05 PM.png (304×3 px, 113 KB)
Screen Shot 2022-11-07 at 4.01.16 PM.png (546×3 px, 135 KB)

Hey @Etonkovidovawe will shortly be adjusting the size of those icons, so it might make sense to run your QA on this URL as well: (you can add that query string to any page to get the revised button sizes)

Hey @Etonkovidovawe will shortly be adjusting the size of those icons, so it might make sense to run your QA on this URL as well: (you can add that query string to any page to get the revised button sizes)

Thx, @Jdlrobson - I'll check.

Hi @Etonkovidova just saw this task in backlog and I'm wondering if it can be merged into T327544 ?

There has been some recent changes to the sizing units in Codex that I think alleviate this issue. The icon sizes have been converted to rem units, so the icons scales proportionally to the browser font-size. In my testing, this prevents the notification badges from overlapping now (screenshot from beta cluster):

Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 1.13.08 PM.png (868×2 px, 360 KB)

I believe with this change this task can be closed since the notifications, even at 99+, no longer overlap.

Hi @Etonkovidova just saw this task in backlog and I'm wondering if it can be merged into T327544 ?

@Jdlrobson - sorry, missed the ping. I
@Jdrewniak - I re-checked this task and the resolved T327544 - looks good to me too:

Screen Shot 2024-05-27 at 2.00.34 PM.png (336×936 px, 31 KB)
Screen Shot 2024-05-27 at 2.00.57 PM.png (854×1 px, 139 KB)