Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):
- Make enough edits to trigger the "try new task" panel
- Observe the impression event for the try new task panel
What happens?:
The event looks like this:
{ "event": { "action": "trynewtask-impression", "action_data": "next-suggested-task-type=links;edit-count-for-task-type=4", "context": "postedit-trynewtask", "editor_interface": "visualeditor", "help_panel_session_id": "066f72d5882382588f68", "is_mobile": false, "is_suggested_task": true, "page_id": 0, "page_ns": 0, "page_protection": "", "page_title": "", "session_token": "{removed}", "user_can_edit": true, "user_editcount": 21, "user_id": 23688 } }
What should have happened instead?:
The event should show 5 edits for copyedit:
{ "event": { "action": "trynewtask-impression", "action_data": "next-suggested-task-type=links;edit-count-for-task-type=5", "context": "postedit-trynewtask", "editor_interface": "visualeditor", "help_panel_session_id": "066f72d5882382588f68", "is_mobile": false, "is_suggested_task": true, "page_id": 0, "page_ns": 0, "page_protection": "", "page_title": "", "session_token": "{removed}", "user_can_edit": true, "user_editcount": 21, "user_id": 23688 } }
Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):
Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):