What is the problem/what do you want to achieve?
We have multiple questions about our dumps as we work to improve them.
How can we help you?
We would like to work with the community to get answers to some questions and rough consensus on some directions we decide on. In this order:
- If we move from XML to JSON Lines formatting, would you love this, hate it, need time to migrate (how much?), etc.
- We can output more incremental dumps. How would you like to see this? Time chunks? What are your use cases for more incremental updates to the dumps?
- Which of the many dumps artifacts that are generated do you need, and which would be very helpful but with some changes?
What does success look like?
We have decisions documented, with dissenting opinions noted, and consensus highlighted on the questions above (I think these three are good but we may add one or two more as we go).
What is your deadline?
The sooner the better for #1, but it's better to take our time and be thorough with #2 and #3.