Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):
- log into account A
- use account A on English Wikipedia to thank an edit by account B
- log into account B. putting a screenshot below of how account B's notification tray on enwiki looks. leave it unread
- visit mediawikiwiki
- click the notification tray to view your notifications
- under "More notices from another wiki", click "View 1 notice" to try to view it
What happens?:
-¬sections=message¬format=model¬limit=25¬prop=list%7Ccount%7CseenTime&uselang=en¬wikis=enwiki¬filter=!read¬bundle=true&_=1689788215532 returns count 0, resulting in nothing loading when you click "View 1 notice"
What should have happened instead?:
- clicking "View 1 notice" should result in an API query with count 1
- the 1 notice should load in the front end in a way that the user can see it
Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):
Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):
- mediawikiwiki is group 0. regression due to this week's train?