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Places: Add Places to 'More' menu in main navigation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Design (Figma)

image.png (1×720 px, 394 KB)

  • Add 'Nearby' feature to the 'More menu in the main tab bar navigation
  • In terms of order: Insert it above 'Settings'
  • While touching the 'More' menu, please make sure to update the icon for the 'Watchlist' with the correct svg asset


Testing Instructions

  • Ensure the feature says Places and not Nearby
  • Ensure you can see the entry point logged out and logged in

Event Timeline

Sharvaniharan renamed this task from Add Nearby to 'More' menu in main navigation to Nearby: Add Nearby to 'More' menu in main navigation.Nov 20 2023, 6:53 PM
Sharvaniharan claimed this task.
Sharvaniharan triaged this task as Medium priority.

Hi @scblr

I used the general material design svg icon for the nearby option. Please let me know if you want to give me a different svg for it.

Sharvaniharan renamed this task from Nearby: Add Nearby to 'More' menu in main navigation to Places: Add Places to 'More' menu in main navigation.Dec 7 2023, 2:31 AM