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Publish findings from the Edit Check (references) A/B test
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In T342930, we will analyze the impact of the Edit Check (references) intervention and in this task, we will write and publish a summary of the analysis so that staff and volunteers around the Movement can see and engage with these findings.

Announcement locations

AudiencePublication location(s)Announcement contentsPerson responsible for sharingStatus
Volunteers involved with the Edit Check projectmw:Edit CheckA/B test result summary@ppelberg published: 23 May 2024
Partner wikis (T327707) and A/B test wikis (T345298)Where the initial message was published.Share results for each wiki, Draft@Trizek-WMF, @Dyolf77_WMF, @Geugeor-WMFT366382
All wikisDiff blog (T366262)Diff blog - Edit check references@Trizek-WMF published: 17 June 2024
Phase 1 wikis (T361843)Tech/News w/ link to Diff post@Trizek-WMF@Trizek-WMF published: 17 June 2024
Phase 2 wikis (T366381)Tech/News w/ link to Diff post@Trizek-WMF#TODO
Phase 3 wikis (T367343)TBDTBD
WMF StaffInternal staff meetingSlides 35-39@ppelberg Presented on 6 June 2024


Related Objects

Event Timeline

MNeisler triaged this task as Medium priority.Dec 1 2023, 5:23 PM
MNeisler moved this task from Triage to Upcoming Quarter on the Product-Analytics board.
MNeisler moved this task from Doing to Needs Review on the Product-Analytics (Kanban) board.
MNeisler added a subscriber: Trizek-WMF.

@Trizek-WMF I've drafted a summary of the Reference Check results on my sandbox page that can be published on mediawiki. Feel free to edit as needed and let me know if you have any questions or if there is additional text I can help provide.

Once finalized, this can be moved to the Edit Check Project Page under an Impact section or new subpage if preferred.

I review the page, and it is very clear. Good for the service!

I would have shown a graph regarding mobile edits as the numbers are quite impressive. :)

Assigning this over to me to review the summary @MNeisler drafted.

Assigning this over to me to review the summary @MNeisler drafted.

I've made some initial edits and will finish reviewing tomorrow (21 May).

Assigning this over to me to review the summary @MNeisler drafted.

I've made some initial edits and will finish reviewing tomorrow (21 May).

@MNeisler: I think this version looks fit for publishing...can you please read it over to ensure it's accurate/sound?

Once you do that, I think we can start publishing and sharing these results broadly.

@ppelberg I finished reviewing and just made a few small corrections to fix typos and a broken link. The content looks good to me. This should be ready to now publish.

@ppelberg I finished reviewing and just made a few small corrections to fix typos and a broken link. The content looks good to me. This should be ready to now publish.

Wonderful – the findings are now published on mw:Edit check.

Thank you for reviewing, @MNeisler and thank you for the wonderful work conducting this experiment and summarizing the results which I have the privilege of publishing

I'm assigning this over to @Trizek-WMF to prepare a compressed version of what is now published on mw:Edit check that we can start sharing on-wiki with volunteers in a location they're likely to notice and be in a position to review these results...

We can combine the messages we will send with T331946: [RELEASE TICKET] Make Edit Check (references) available to all newcomers at all Wikipedias.

I grouped partner wikis and A/B test wikis, as the message works for both.

I've updated the task description to include that – in addition to @Trizek-WMF@Geugeor-WMF and @Dyolf77_WMF will be sharing the Reference Check A/B Test results, per today's offline conversation.

ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)