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It should be possible to set a different default font size on different pages for Vector 2022
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story Points

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Authored By
Tue, May 14, 4:54 PM
Referenced Files
F54008441: screenshot 366.png
Tue, May 21, 1:24 AM
F54008430: screenshot 365.png
Tue, May 21, 1:24 AM
F54008420: screenshot 364.png
Tue, May 21, 1:24 AM
F54008416: screenshot
Tue, May 21, 1:24 AM
F54008401: screenshot
Tue, May 21, 1:24 AM
F54008391: screenshot
Tue, May 21, 1:24 AM
F54008379: screenshot
Tue, May 21, 1:24 AM
F53397449: screenshot
Wed, May 15, 11:18 PM
"Like" token, awarded by Quiddity.



Following T360092 we want to change default font sizes on certain pages. Since this requires multiple stages to be completed and we have shipped to anonymous users already it will be feature flagged by default.

User story

As a user when I visit certain special pages, I get the traditional small size font.


The Vector 2022 skin should allow font size configuration on specific pages and prevent it on others. Font size configuration should be enabled on the following pages:

  • /w/index.php?title=T352930
  • /wiki/Wikipedia:Users/subpage20
  • /wiki/Help:Options_to_not_see_an_image
  • /wiki/Draft:Giraffe

Conversely, font size configuration should be disabled on:

  • /wiki/Special:Watchlist
  • All talk pages
  • /wiki/Main_Page?action=info


Feature: Configure Font Size Settings for Specific Pages on Vector 2022

  Scenario: Font size configurable on specific pages
    Given the user is on betawiki
    When the user visits the page "/w/index.php?title=T352930"
    Then the font size should be configurable

    Given the user is on betawiki
    When the user visits the page "/wiki/Wikipedia:Users/subpage20"
    Then the font size should be configurable

    Given the user is on betawiki
    When the user visits the page "/wiki/Help:Options_to_not_see_an_image"
    Then the font size should be configurable

    Given the user is on betawiki
    When the user visits the page "/wiki/Draft:Giraffe"
    Then the font size should be configurable

  Scenario: Font size not configurable on specific pages
    Given the user is on betawiki
    When the user visits the page "/wiki/Special:Watchlist"
    Then the font size should not be configurable

    Given the user is on betawiki
    When the user visits any talk page
    Then the font size should not be configurable

    Given the user is on betawiki
    When the user visits the page "/wiki/Main_Page?action=info"
    Then the font size should not be configurable

Test Steps

Test Case 1: Font Size Configurable on Specific Pages

  1. Open Wikipedia on betawiki.
  2. Visit the page /w/index.php?title=T352930.
  3. AC1: Confirm that the font size is configurable.
  4. Visit the page /wiki/Wikipedia:Users/subpage20.
  5. AC2: Confirm that the font size is configurable.
  6. Visit the page /wiki/Help:Options_to_not_see_an_image.
  7. AC3: Confirm that the font size is configurable.
  8. Visit the page /wiki/Draft:Giraffe.
  9. AC4: Confirm that the font size is configurable.

Test Case 2: Font Size Not Configurable on Specific Pages

  1. Open Wikipedia on betawiki.
  2. Visit the page /wiki/Special:Watchlist.
  3. AC5: Confirm that the font size is not configurable.
  4. Visit any talk page.
  5. AC6: Confirm that the font size is not configurable.
  6. Visit the page /wiki/Main_Page?action=info.
  7. AC7: Confirm that the font size is not configurable.

Acceptance criteria

  • The following pages should get Standard as the default font size: Namespaces=0,4,12,118.
  • All other pages would get Small as the default font size.
  • If I visit a page with the standard default font size, if I view in action page other than action=view e.g. I see the Small font size
  • This behaviour is not activated by default. A temporary boolean feature flag (defaulting to false) disables it.
  • We enable this behaviour on beta cluster only.


(It will not be possible to QA this in production)
On beta cluster:

Communication criteria - does this need an announcement or discussion?

No comms needed.

Rollback plan

No rollback plan needed because we have the temporary feature flag.

Sign off steps

  • Create a ticket for handling this in mobile (if needed). If so a developer should create a ticket with details on how the configuration will be shared between the skins?
  • Review behaviour on beta cluster (ideally PM and designer). Is it working as expected when disabled? If not please create a ticket for defining the behaviour of the appearance menu and answer the following questions:
  • 1) When I visit a page where small is the default font size, can I change font size in the appearance menu? Is it disabled?
  • 2) When I visit a page where small is the default font size would small be selected?
  • 3) When I visit a page where small is the default should there be a banner saying "This page always appears as small?"

This task was created by Version 1.0.0 of the Web team task template

QA Results - Beta

Event Timeline

There are a very large number of changes, so older changes are hidden. Show Older Changes

Change #1030563 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mabualruz; author: Mabualruz):

[mediawiki/skins/Vector@master] feature(WIP:vector): Set a different default font size on different pages for Vector 2022

Jdlrobson set the point value for this task to 2.Wed, May 15, 4:43 PM

Change #1032019 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jdlrobson; author: Jdlrobson):

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] [Beta cluster] Set wgVectorFontSizeConfigurableOptions

Change #1032019 merged by jenkins-bot:

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] [Beta cluster] Set wgVectorFontSizeConfigurableOptions

Jdlrobson updated the task description. (Show Details)
Jdlrobson updated the task description. (Show Details)

Change #1030563 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/skins/Vector@master] feature(Vector): Add configurable font size exclusions

Edtadros subscribed.

Test Result - Beta

Status: ❌ FAIL
Environment: beta
OS: macOS Sonoma
Browser: Chrome
Device: MBA
Emulated Device: NA

Test Artifact(s):

Test Steps

Test Case 1: Font Size Configurable on Specific Pages

  1. Open Wikipedia on betawiki.
  2. Visit the page /w/index.php?title=T352930.
  3. AC1: Confirm that the font size is configurable.

screenshot (1×1 px, 903 KB)

  1. Visit the page /wiki/Wikipedia:Users/subpage20.
  2. AC2: Confirm that the font size is configurable.

screenshot (1×1 px, 404 KB)

  1. Visit the page /wiki/Help:Options_to_not_see_an_image.
  2. AC3: Confirm that the font size is configurable.

screenshot (1×1 px, 997 KB)

  1. Visit the page /wiki/Draft:Giraffe.
  2. AC4: Confirm that the font size is configurable.

screenshot (1×1 px, 421 KB)

Test Case 2: Font Size Not Configurable on Specific Pages

  1. Open Wikipedia on betawiki.
  2. Visit the page /wiki/Special:Watchlist.
  3. AC5: Confirm that the font size is not configurable.

screenshot 343.png (1×1 px, 218 KB)

  1. Visit any talk page.
  2. AC6: Confirm that the font size is not configurable.

screenshot (1×1 px, 394 KB)

  1. Visit the page /wiki/Main_Page?action=info.
  2. AC7: Confirm that the font size is not configurable.

screenshot (1×1 px, 574 KB)

Change #1032088 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jdlrobson; author: Jdlrobson):

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Disable font size configuration on talk pages

Change #1032088 merged by jenkins-bot:

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] [beta] Disable font size configuration on talk pages

I checked with @JScherer-WMF and he is happy with how this is behaving on the beta cluster.

If I understand correctly, this is currently feature-flagged and users won't notice any differences, but it is in next week's train. Hence I'm confirming my assumption by writing here.
If I'm wrong, and a Tech News entry is needed this week, please suggest possible wording for the entry. Thanks!

Test Result - Beta

Status: ✅ PASS
Environment: beta
OS: macOS Sonoma
Browser: Chrome
Device: MBA
Emulated Device: NA

Test Artifact(s):

Test Steps

Test Case 1: Font Size Configurable on Specific Pages

  1. Open Wikipedia on betawiki.
  2. Visit the page /w/index.php?title=T352930.
  3. AC1: Confirm that the font size is configurable.

screenshot (944×1 px, 923 KB)

  1. Visit the page /wiki/Wikipedia:Users/subpage20.
  2. AC2: Confirm that the font size is configurable.

screenshot (944×1 px, 311 KB)

  1. Visit the page /wiki/Help:Options_to_not_see_an_image.
  2. AC3: Confirm that the font size is configurable.

screenshot (944×1 px, 751 KB)

  1. Visit the page /wiki/Draft:Giraffe.
  2. AC4: Confirm that the font size is configurable.

screenshot (944×1 px, 414 KB)

Test Case 2: Font Size Not Configurable on Specific Pages

  1. Open Wikipedia on betawiki.
  2. Visit the page /wiki/Special:Watchlist.
  3. AC5: Confirm that the font size is not configurable.

screenshot 364.png (945×1 px, 246 KB)

  1. Visit any talk page.
  2. AC6: Confirm that the font size is not configurable.

screenshot 365.png (945×1 px, 297 KB)

  1. Visit the page /wiki/Main_Page?action=info.
  2. AC7: Confirm that the font size is not configurable.

screenshot 366.png (945×1 px, 171 KB)

Mabualruz updated the task description. (Show Details)

T365448 is created to do the necessary work to have similar functionality and utilise the configuration on Minerva

Change #1034574 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jdlrobson; author: Jdlrobson):

[mediawiki/skins/Vector@master] Small font size is not applying to excluded pages

There was an unresolved comment on this one which has led to T365408 (which impacts production). Not sure if the fix for this needs to be backported?

Change #1034574 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/skins/Vector@master] Small font size is not applying to excluded pages

Change #1034992 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jdlrobson; author: Jdlrobson):

[mediawiki/skins/Vector@wmf/1.43.0-wmf.6] Small font size is not applying to excluded pages

We are backporting a change which we will QA as part of T365408. This can now be signed off.

Change #1034992 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/skins/Vector@wmf/1.43.0-wmf.6] Small font size is not applying to excluded pages

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2024-05-22T20:33:29Z] <jdrewniak@deploy1002> Started scap: Backport for [[gerrit:1034993|Revert "Add exclusion behaviour for "width" option in Appearance menu" (T364015)]], [[gerrit:1034992|Small font size is not applying to excluded pages (T364887 T365408)]]

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2024-05-22T20:36:22Z] <jdrewniak@deploy1002> jdrewniak and jdlrobson: Backport for [[gerrit:1034993|Revert "Add exclusion behaviour for "width" option in Appearance menu" (T364015)]], [[gerrit:1034992|Small font size is not applying to excluded pages (T364887 T365408)]] synced to the testservers (

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2024-05-22T20:50:16Z] <jdrewniak@deploy1002> Finished scap: Backport for [[gerrit:1034993|Revert "Add exclusion behaviour for "width" option in Appearance menu" (T364015)]], [[gerrit:1034992|Small font size is not applying to excluded pages (T364887 T365408)]] (duration: 16m 46s)