We want to learn why users are declining the alt text suggested task in that moment.
- Show survey after users have selected "Do not add" or close-X on the prompt
- Allow selecting multiple options
- Submitting a reason should not be required
- Tapping cancel brings you back to the next image recommendation (or article view for C) with no Alt text modal, and no toast.
- Trying to type a reason automatically selects this option. Deleting text unselects this field
- A feedback confirmation toast should be shown after submitting
- Relevant events are instrumented according to Data instrumentation plan and completed slides have been marked with a green background. Ensure that answers for B and C will be distinguishable by analytics.
- Translations are added for target languages from UI Copy for Suggested edits Alt text on iOS (T370725)
- I am unsure how to describe an image
- I don’t have the expertise to add alt text
- I have technical issues
- I don’t understand how it is different from a caption
- I have a visual impairment
- I’m not interested in writing alt text for images
- I don’t have the time
Engineering notes:
- Update existing component WKImageRecommendationsSurveyView into a reusable component
- Allow users to select multiple options
- Tweak logging that we send to Shay