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On second edit attempt between loads, VisualEditor fails to load, complaining about revID mis-match
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


I just saved my edit on this page:

and Tried to re-open VE got the following error:

Error loading data from server: ve-api: Revision IDs (doc=658877976,api=658878557) returned by server do not match. Would you like to retry?

Screen_Shot_2015-04-23_at_11.49.20_AM.png (169×835 px, 32 KB)

Event Timeline

Ryasmeen raised the priority of this task from to Unbreak Now!.
Ryasmeen updated the task description. (Show Details)
Ryasmeen added a project: VisualEditor.
Ryasmeen subscribed.

Change 206185 had a related patch set uploaded (by Catrope):
Don't give up immediately for revid mismatches on second load

Change 206185 merged by jenkins-bot:
Don't give up immediately for revid mismatches on second load

Change 206325 had a related patch set uploaded (by Catrope):
Don't give up immediately for revid mismatches on second load

Change 206326 had a related patch set uploaded (by Catrope):
Don't give up immediately for revid mismatches on second load

Change 206325 merged by jenkins-bot:
Don't give up immediately for revid mismatches on second load

Change 206326 merged by jenkins-bot:
Don't give up immediately for revid mismatches on second load

Jdforrester-WMF renamed this task from In, VisualEditor failed to load while trying to re-open it after saving an edit on it , showed an error about Revision ID mismatch to On second edit attempt between loads, VisualEditor fails to load, complaining about revID mis-match.Apr 23 2015, 11:34 PM
Jdforrester-WMF closed this task as Resolved.
Jdforrester-WMF moved this task from Nominated to Done on the VisualEditor 2014/15 Q4 blockers board.
Jdforrester-WMF edited a custom field.

Getting this error again in Betalabs.

Screen_Shot_2015-04-27_at_2.13.24_PM.png (550×1 px, 192 KB)

I just tested this and could not reproduce the issue.

Krenair, Trying on Firefox? Happens after you open VE for the second time after you save your edit.
I am not getting the revID mismatch error, but when I open the editor, it says I am editing an old version of the document

Have checked it in FF 37, yep.

Jdforrester-WMF subscribed.

I'm going to declare it a caching issue for now.

Ryasmeen reopened this on May 11th without adding a comment.
@Ryasmeen: I assume that means this problem still exists?

@Catrope: Are you still working on this (as you are set as assignee)?

Is the priority realistic here? Asking as this has "Unbreak now" priority.

Catrope subscribed.

I don't think this happens any more? But I'm not sure.

@Ryasmeen reopened this on May 11th without adding a comment.
@Ryasmeen: I assume that means this problem still exists? Please clarify as this task has "Unbreak now" priority. Also see the previous comment by Catrope.

I dont know if its for the same underlying reason but I am getting this error still in Betalabs while loading VisualEditor.

I set it as "Unbreak Now" because it was hampering the further testing unless I am able to load the VE .

I've been getting this over the past couple of days too. However, lowering it to high priority since as far as I can tell, it's not impacting production at all.

nshahquinn-wmf lowered the priority of this task from Unbreak Now! to High.Jun 16 2015, 2:14 AM

I've tried this many times on with Chrome 45 and FF 38, cannot reproduce.

Jdforrester-WMF claimed this task.

Let's hope this is fixed.

Was able to reproduce it again on today

Screen Shot 2015-07-15 at 10.32.58 PM.png (385×1 px, 150 KB)

Was able to reproduce it again on today

Screen Shot 2015-07-15 at 10.32.58 PM.png (385×1 px, 150 KB)

This screenshot doesn't seem to show the issue?