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Untranslated Credit Card fields (GlobalCollect iframes)
Closed, DeclinedPublic


A number of languages don't have their Globalcollect credit card iframe translated. This includes:

  • Hebrew
  • Latvian
  • Romanian
  • Slovak
  • Catalan
  • Ukrainian (falls back to Russian)

GlobalCollect previously indicated they won't include new translations without us integrating with their new API. Another option might be to use Worldpay once that is ready (we already planned to use it in Israel) since then we can provide our own translations.

Event Timeline

Pcoombe raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Pcoombe updated the task description. (Show Details)
Pcoombe added a project: Wikimedia-Fundraising.
atgo set Security to None.
atgo subscribed.

Triaging as low since we're a bit bound right now on what we can do. I think WorldPay is probably the right option, but we won't be able to get there in the near term.

atgo renamed this task from Untranslated GlobalCollect iframes to Untranslated Credit Card fields (GlobalCollect iframes).Nov 9 2015, 10:09 PM
atgo added a subtask: Restricted Task.

IMHO would be better to leave English language. If somebody can handle Master Card they can understand English. I can be wrong, but Russian instructions for payment are somewhat humiliating for most users of the Ukrainian wiki.

@Mykola_Swarnyk Yes, we recognise that this is a sensitive issue. But this part of the content is controlled by our third-party payment processor, not us. We won't run fundraising messages on Ukrainian wikipedia until there is an improvement on this.

@atgo, thank you for flagging.

As far as I know, Ukrainian is still not offered as a language by GC. @Ppena, is that still the case?


@jrobell yes, GC doesn't have Ukrainian, but Adyen does. I'm working to see if we can get UAH with them...

Ejegg closed subtask Restricted Task as Declined.Jan 4 2017, 6:03 PM
Jgreen closed subtask Restricted Task as Declined.Oct 21 2020, 6:16 PM