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End-term evaluation for "Unified Language proofing tools integration framework"
Closed, ResolvedPublic0 Estimated Story Points


End-term evaluations will be performed by the mentors. All students and mentors must submit their evaluation on Melange after 21st August and before 28th August 2015.

General checklist for a successful evaluation:

Additional information, if any:

Event Timeline

Amire80 set Security to None.

@Amire80 and @Ankita-ks evaluations on Melange are outstanding. Please complete and close this task before the Melange evaluation though.

The checklist is now complete! \o/

@NiharikaKohli, can you please verify whether it looks correct?

Niharika updated the task description. (Show Details)

@Amire80, yep, it looks good to me. Thanks!

IMPORTANT: @Amire80, @eranroz you are missing the most important detail: the evaluation in Google Melange (link, only mentors can access to it). The deadline is in less than 24h. Please evaluate @Ankita-ks's GSoC project as soon as possible. Otherwise the student will not get stipend and Wikimedia will get a record about the missing evaluation.
