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Beta Cluster EventLogging data is disappearing?
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I don't have the details yet, but according to rumor, eventlogging data is not being recorded to the database.

Event Timeline

eventlogging and database have been moved to deployment-eventlogging03 instance. Needed to upgrade from Precise to Trusty. Please use that instance now, deployment-eventlogging02 will be removed.

I apologize for the lack of an announcement on this. What is the proper channel?

greg renamed this task from Betawiki EventLogging data is disappearing? to Beta Cluster EventLogging data is disappearing?.Sep 17 2015, 7:25 PM
greg removed a project: Cloud-Services.
greg set Security to None.

Many thanks @Ottomata!! K I see it now in /var/log/eventlogging/all-events.log. It's not getting through to MySQL though, but I think that's an issue with nested schemas (as per this log that @Milimetric found, not sure exactly where, though).

What is the proper channel?

Ok, thanks. I think I migrated this service very hastily, since we were changing puppetization for production, which broke in labs because the changes didn't work on Precise.

Next time will do that. Can I email qa@lists or do I need to join?

I think it let's anyone email it. I clean the backlog daily, fwiw (thanks to listadmin).

Please use that instance now, deployment-eventlogging02 will be removed.

"deployment-eventlogging02:/var full due to massive eventlogging_processor-server-side-0.log.1 ("(MainThread) Unable to process" errors)"

Just deleted deployment-eventlogging02

Thanks so much! Closing... For MySQL querying of the banner history events, only T112947 is still out there... :)

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