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[EPIC] Migrate the MW weekly train deploy to scap3
Closed, DeclinedPublic


(Note to Tyler/Chad/Mukunda: if this isn't how you want to track this (location or task or whatever) feel free to just fix it.)

Event Timeline

greg raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
greg updated the task description. (Show Details)
greg added projects: Deployments, Scap.
greg added subscribers: demon, mmodell, thcipriani and 2 others.
greg renamed this task from Migrate the MW weekly train deploy to scap3 to [keyresult] Migrate the MW weekly train deploy to scap3.Jan 20 2016, 12:14 AM
dduvall moved this task from MediaWiki MVP to Adoption on the Scap board.
greg removed the point value for this task.Sep 13 2016, 5:05 PM
greg renamed this task from [keyresult] Migrate the MW weekly train deploy to scap3 to [EPIC] Migrate the MW weekly train deploy to scap3.Oct 13 2016, 9:14 PM
greg removed a project: releng-201617-q2.