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PDF rendering: false position of graphics (2)
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A PDF file created by bookcmd=render_article&writer=rdf2latex contains a lot of errors. This task replaces T121349 detail #3.

In wiki pages a graphic element often is positioned beside the text which it concerns to. The definition of the mentioned element is part of a template and represents the type of the template:

  1. Exclamation marks represent tips ("Hinweis").
  2. Light bulbs represent definitions.
  3. and so on

The PDF shows this little graphic before the text. The reader cannot see any reason why the graphic is shown. It should be positioned beside/inside the text. See the definition template and similar templates.

Maybe the same problem as in T121501 or caused by the two-columns area.

Look at error #3 on page 1 e.g. in appendix 2.

How to check the problem

  1. MathML in user preferences / appearance.
  2. de-Wikibooks chapter "Komplexe_Zahlen/_Darstellungsformen" - the requested page (Internet Explorer 11 isn't able to show correct formulas using MathML)
  3. Use Print/Preview/Print of the browser (here: Firefox 42.0) - every part of the page is printed correctly (IE isn't able to show any formulas)
  4. Use Special:Book render_article rdf2latex and store the created pdf file.
  5. Appendix 1 F3079535 is the created pdf file without any change.
  6. Appendix 2 F3079554 shows the error described above.

Multiple occurrencies of the same fault aren't marked normally. More errors are described in other tasks. (In appendix 2 there are additional faults caused by convertion to OpenOfficeGraph odg but irrelevant to MediaWiki problems.)

Event Timeline

Juetho raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Juetho updated the task description. (Show Details)
Juetho added a project: Collection.
Juetho added subscribers: StudiesWorld, Juetho, Aklapper.
Jdlrobson subscribed.

Is this still going to be an issue with the new Proton service?

There is still an issue here with Proton. It seems the images of

  1. Exclamation marks represent tips ("Hinweis").
  2. Light bulbs represent definitions.

Are stripped for some reason, but they are not stripped in the print stylesheets...
The blue border IS present.

in PDF:

Screenshot 2019-06-04 at 15.22.13.png (364×862 px, 43 KB)

in Print style:

Screenshot 2019-06-04 at 15.22.40.png (476×1 px, 74 KB)

There is still an issue here with Proton. It seems the images of

  1. Exclamation marks represent tips ("Hinweis").
  2. Light bulbs represent definitions.

Are stripped for some reason, but they are not stripped in the print stylesheets...
The blue border IS present.

in PDF:

Screenshot 2019-06-04 at 15.22.13.png (364×862 px, 43 KB)

in Print style:

Screenshot 2019-06-04 at 15.22.40.png (476×1 px, 74 KB)

This is the same issue as T52178: PDF handler fails to handle background-color and background-image CSS properties