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Deploy WDQS nodes on codfw
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In order to achieve better datacenter redundancy, we need to set up a Wikidata Query Service cluster in codfw. It whould be identical to wdq1 and wdq2 in eqiad, except for increased diskspace and raid1 setup (planned also for wdq1/wdq2, see: T120714).

Event Timeline

Smalyshev raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Smalyshev updated the task description. (Show Details)
Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
Gehel renamed this task from Deploy WDQS node on codfw to Deploy WDQS nodes on codfw.Jul 6 2016, 12:13 PM
Gehel updated the task description. (Show Details)
RobH mentioned this in Unknown Object (Task).Jul 6 2016, 4:37 PM
Gehel claimed this task.