Goal: All Google-Summer-of-Code (2016) selected projects have completed the bonding period successfully, and all the interns have received their first payment.
In order to complete the bonding period, each intern needs to create a subtask of his/her proposal, associate it to its brand new Phabricator project, and assign it to their primary mentor.
Title of the subtask: Community bonding evaluation for (your project name)
Description: (Edit this task and copy the source)
- Detailed plan agreed with mentors: (link)
- Phabricator project created: (mention)
- Meetings with mentors started: (dates of meetings celebrated so far along with the minutes of the meeting (need not be very long) )
- Bonding period report published: (link)
The detailed plan can be kept in the original proposal task itself which can be modified as per discussions with mentors.
A typical bonding period report might contain:
- Work done (environment setup, links to patches merged etc.)
- Lessons learnt
- Problems faced and solutions found
- Any changes to the original plan
- Minimum Viable Product for the project decided
- Communication plan with mentor decided