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Extension:Approved Revs is missing a way to query via the API
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wiki?title=Special:ApprovedRevs&limit=500&offset=0&show=unapprove works, but I don't want to scrape HTML, so let's create an API module for this ApprovedRevs extention.

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It may be worth "just" making ApprovedRevs a query page... And then it can work under the api list=querypage

Change 318676 had a related patch set uploaded (by Reedy):
Register SpecialApprovedRevsPage as a query page to expose via API et al

It may be worth "just" making ApprovedRevs a query page... And then it can work under the api list=querypage

Apparently it already is. Just isn't registered as such

Change 318676 merged by Yaron Koren:
Register SpecialApprovedRevsPage as a query page to expose via API et al

Question whether it's worth writing a proper API module... I'm thinking, that at least for this purpose, it's not worth it...?

Reedy renamed this task from Extension:Approved Revs is missing an API module to Extension:Approved Revs is missing a way to query via the API.Nov 2 2016, 12:12 AM
Gryllida assigned this task to Reedy.