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We've a procedure requiring a notification to the wiki, so contributors know what's happening.

The Wikimedia Foundation pledged to adhere more to these procedures to avoid "surprise feature deployment" after the issues raised by the reception of MultimediaViewer by the German Wikipedia Community (the 'superprotect' case).

So, of course here a formal RFC isn't required, but some notification to the village pump or any appropriate place is.

No procedure is needed here. We've already done similar config changes for other projects. This is just switching a logo which is currently localised to English to a Serbian logo. Nothing controversial there, its common sense and MultimediaViewer has nothing to do with this.

A notification went out when we did the new header design which was the big radical change. I consider this just a follow up to that work.


Screen Shot 2017-05-25 at 10.29.42 AM.png (286×695 px, 53 KB)

existing Japanese:
Screen Shot 2017-05-25 at 10.29.57 AM.png (317×583 px, 69 KB)

I have just started a needed formal voting, so we can we wait seven days for it to end or wait for five or ten support votes and then apply.

Also, someone should protect the file on Commons, as it is done for original/English version.

You might want to check grey shades, in order to have proper color; you have letters, so if you have SVG original text form it would be best only to retype so "ВИКИПЕДИЈА" is written (or compare SVGs)...

@Nirzar this is is how it would look:

Screen Shot 2017-05-25 at 10.32.54 AM.png (375×704 px, 36 KB)


Honestly, a vote for this is a little wasteful imo. We are committed to localisation across our projects and I'm not sure why the Serbian community would want a logo localised to English.

@Obsuser the file is copied locally so no need to protect it on Commons so all we'd need to do is SWAT the associated change.

I beg to differ. In the past, such notifications allowed to:

  • Notice a typo
  • Start a discussion to transliterate differently the project names
  • Notice the SVG rendering can be optimized
  • Start a discussion for a better font more convenient

The fact you didn't respect the procedures in the past.

Please also note the cost of notification on the village pump is really low. We're here discussing for ONE LINE on the village pump. Something like "I prepared for mobile UI, is that convenient?"

I have just started a needed formal voting, so we can we wait seven days for it to end or wait for five or ten support votes and then apply.

Thanks for this move. Note we all agreed a simpler procedure than a formal voting would have been enough.

Also, someone should protect the file on Commons, as it is done for original/English version.

Sure, done (log entry).

@Dereckson we're going to have to agree to disagree here. cc @CKoerner_WMF this seems like a bad use of volunteers time.

So, there are here two things a little mixed:

  • product requests, like localisation, code shipped in a Discovery extension: you can of course for these accept such requests as you wish, following the procedures you wish, and to minimize volunteer time is probably a good goal here
  • configuration requests, asking to the communities a system administrator updates the configuration at the request of a wiki, for which we've prepared a procedure to discuss every change on wiki before request it.

It could indeed be a burden for wikis without a lot of users, or for trivial changes, so in 2012 we advertised the process could be as lightweight as wiki wants: just a small message on the village pump without any objection or some "I agree, good idea" could be considered as sufficient. This procedure is documented at

ovasileva set the point value for this task to 1.May 30 2017, 4:39 PM

The RFC has 5 yes.
@Nirzar needs to approve this logo before we enable it
We may also want to add this to Macedonian wiki.

I'm catching up after the hackathon in Vienna and a personal holiday, so apologies for the delay.

Let me make sure I understand this correctly.

  1. The Serbian community noticed the wordmark for the project wasn't translated.
  2. They created a discussion to bring consensus
  3. This task tracks the request and the work to carry it out

I think there's some confusion on what it means to bring forth an request for comment and how serious that is. The phrase 'Rfc' has an unfortunate reputation of being used by communities in times of unrest and frustration. This community isn't upset, the request is easily well supported by the community, and the process/technical nature of the work is straight forward.

So this is what it should be like! :)

While this is a relatively small configuration change, which I doesn't necessitate a formal "big" Rfc process, it's still welcomed by everyone involved to go through the agreed upon steps to make sure nothing is missed. The prerogative is in the individual communities hand on how to handle gaining consensus - as big or as small as they'd like.

I think it's a fine thing to see folks at the WMF respond warmly to such requests, given that we're localizing the string retroactively. :)

They created a discussion to bring consensus

This isn't quite what happened. They were directed to write an RFC because of the policy at

To be clear I wasn't saying that RFC's were bad, but here it feels like unnecessary bureaucracy. This is my concern. I don't want us to have to write RFCs to change every logo in our projects - I'd argue that doesn't scale (since we have so many) and it might put projects/us off from doing that altogether.

I'd ask that we relax this policy of having RFCs for all config changes for only config changes where guidance is needed. There are no clear cut rules here but here it feels unnecessary.

Notice a typo / Start a discussion to transliterate differently the project names / Notice the SVG rendering can be optimized / Start a discussion for a better font more convenient

These can all be done retroactively or as part of the code review process. We work in an agile way, and I'd argue it's more productive in this particular example for @Obsuser to act as the representative of Serbian Wikipedia. The RFC arguably doesn't help us with any of these issues.

@Obsuser since the RFC has 5 'yes' votes I will deploy this today. If you can confirm the fix tomorrow that would be splendid.

Change 355625 merged by jenkins-bot:
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Add Wikipedia wordmark in Serbian/Macedonian

looks good, confirmed on srwiki and mkwiki

Why it is smaller than and logos? Was it intentional or there is some mistake?

Sorry I was away, to fix the sizing issue.

width="122px" height="22px"

Not a problem; however, it is still the same – smaller one...

moving to needs more work for the styling change

ovasileva subscribed.

Change 357848 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jdlrobson; owner: Jdlrobson):
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Update logo and dimensions for SR wordmark

Change 357848 merged by jenkins-bot:
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Update logo and dimensions for SR wordmark

I reopened this task because color seems to be lighter grey than it is for English version of mobile Wikipedia logo.

Also, centering of the logo is not the same; it can be seen on the upper logo, the one left to the search bar, but also (even better) when one scrolls all the way down and swaps browser tabs between sr and en version (popping can be noticed, due to different height).

Btw, Terms of Use are missing too, don't know why...

I reopened this task because color seems to be lighter grey than it is for English version of mobile Wikipedia logo.

This is my fault :( I picked the wrong color from Sketch. My personal color management has gone haywire and I need to sort it out.

Apologies for having to redeploy this.

Fixed SVG


Also, centering of the logo is not the same;

This is due to the descender in the logos. this can be fixed with commons.css on sr wiki. you can get in touch with the admin. it's 2 lines of code. we can't change it in main config because it will mess up all other logos. this is a sr specific issue.

Add following code to commons.css on It should fix the alignment.

.header .branding-box h1 img {
    top: 2px;
    position: relative;

The color will get fixed with new SVG

Add following code to commons.css on It should fix the alignment.

.header .branding-box h1 img {
    top: 2px;
    position: relative;

I added this code to common.css now.

not seeing it yet :(

image.png (276×444 px, 22 KB)

cacheing issue?

Please don't edit Common.css. It doesn't run on the mobile site and won't help this problem. We'll fix both issues next week in a swat deploy.

Change 364241 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jdlrobson; owner: Jdlrobson):
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Logo changes for various wiki projects

Change 364241 merged by jenkins-bot:
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Logo changes for various wiki projects

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-07-10T19:07:53Z] <niharika29@tin> Synchronized static/images/mobile/: Logo changes for various wiki projects [mediawiki-config] - ( (duration: 00m 20s)

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-07-10T19:09:39Z] <niharika29@tin> Synchronized wmf-config/: Stop disabling MFTidyMobileViewSections (T168671) and Logo changes for various wiki projects (T165896) (duration: 00m 21s)

Change 364269 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jdlrobson; owner: Jdlrobson):
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Compress srlogo for Wikipedia

Change 364269 merged by jenkins-bot:
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Compress srlogo for Wikipedia

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-07-10T23:08:42Z] <thcipriani@tin> Synchronized static/images/mobile/copyright/wikipedia-wordmark-sr.svg: SWAT [[gerrit:364269|Compress srlogo for Wikipedia]] T165896 (duration: 00m 43s)

Urbanecm changed the edit policy from "All Users" to "Trusted-Contributors (Project)".

Change requested in this task was done many years ago. It is supposed to stay resolved.