The automatic feature of cite-web or DOI is not working. I don't know why it' hapenned. Anyone can help me? please
Status | Subtype | Assigned | Task | ||
Resolved | Qgil | T128448 Technical Collaboration quarterly goals for April - June 2016 | |||
Resolved | • Rfarrand | T131914 Technical Collaboration participation in Wikimania | |||
Resolved | Quiddity | T132624 Pre-Wikimania Hackathon 2016 Content Work | |||
Open | None | T127354 Help some smaller Wikipedias' communities by writing the TemplateData and enabling citoid for them | |||
Resolved | None | T176571 Fix the automatic cite feature of VisualEditor in Sundanese Wikipedia |
Event Timeline
Hi @Uchup19, thanks for taking the time to report this!
Unfortunately this report lacks some information. If you have time and can still reproduce the problem: Please add a more complete description to this report (a list of steps to reproduce which leave no room for interpretation what to do, describing actual results and expected results after performing the steps to reproduce, attaching or linking to a public testcase, browser information, MediaWiki version information, etc). You can edit the task description by clicking .
Ideally, exact and clear steps to reproduce should allow any other person to follow these steps (without having to interpret those steps) and see the same results. Problems that others can reliably reproduce can get fixed faster. Thanks!
Hi @Uchup19, thanks for reporting- sorry it took so long to get back to you. I've temporarily removed the mediawiki namespace message ( until the template data is fixed, since it is not currently working.
There are two problems:
- Some of the templates in that message are missing. So for instance, where it says "Citation", that corresponds to, which does not yet exist. You can either import this template, or you can use a different template in the message there instead. (i.e. Cite web)
- Some templates which do exist don't have a citoid 'maps' value in the template data. It is needed in every template that is in the message. See step 2a:
As a first step, you can try adding a 'maps' value to Cite web. Let me know if you need any further help. I am happy to look at the template after this information is added to check it.
To sum up these are the problems:
Citakan:Citation is missing
Citakan:Cite web is missing citoid 'maps' in template data
Citakan:Cite book - works! Look at this as an example
Citakan:Cite journal is a stub - do you have a template you typically use instead of this one?
Citakan:Cite news missing all template data, including citoid 'maps'