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Provide system feedback while the Android opens up the print dialog using download article action
Closed, ResolvedPublic



We recently deployed download button on Android Chrome which triggers Android's print dialog function.

It takes more than 2-3 seconds for certain android devices to open this dialog. during this time user has no feedback if the button is pressed or if there is system is doing any action. naturally, user taps on the dialog again, then the print dialog gets cued and whole page freezes. if you press itmultiple times during this time then there is a concurrent views popping up.

Steps to reproduce

  1. use a mid range android phone
  2. tap on the download button, on fairly medium article
  3. tap on the button again 2-3 times
  4. everything freezes

Video of this happening

Note: The video has Obama article in it but I can confirm this is happening even on medium and some small articles

Tested on
Nexus 5
Android 6.0.1
Chrome version 62.0.3202.84

One Plus One
Android 5.1
Chrome version 62.0.3202.84

Proposed solution

  1. Increase the time the spinner is available until from after we fetch all images T180058: Download all page images for printing, to when the print dialog appears
  2. Hide the spinner and show the download button after user comes back from the print dialog

Event Timeline

More info:
Once the article 'freezes' on one tab in Chrome, the download button does not appear to be functional at all – can no longer be invoked when on another article in a new tab. It only works again after force stopping and opening the Chrome app.

I suspect that this is a hugely memory intensive process... Making a PDF of the obama article is probably not something that Android engineered for ;)

I suspect that this is actually caused by the device taking time to enumerate printers before it shows the dialog rather than trying to generate a preview. This seems in line with the observation that the delay doesn't vary with the size of the page (though generating the preview once the dialog is open will!).

If this is the case, then we'll have to:

  • Disable the button once the user has tapped it
    • ... and replace it with a spinner to give them feedback?
  • Detect when the print dialog has closed and enable the button

The last part isn't as easy as it seems. In IE and Firefox, we can listen for the afterprint event; in other browsers, we might have to use window.matchMedia.

I suspect that this is a hugely memory intensive process... Making a PDF of the obama article is probably not something that Android engineered for ;)

haha yes.

Disable the button once the user has tapped it
... and replace it with a spinner to give them feedback?
Detect when the print dialog has closed and enable the button

I was going to suggest the same but then I realised soon we will be showing a loading spinner while we fetch images on the page. instead of disabling the button I would like to show a spinner irrespective of images. We're probably doing what you said anyways, show spinner and hide spinner afterprint

  1. we either modify the task description here T180058 to always show spinner, and fetching images is async to it
  1. modify this task description to make that change
Nirzar renamed this task from [Bug] Incredible delay in opening the print dialog on certain Android devices to Provide system feedback while the Android opens up the print dialog using download article action.Nov 24 2017, 8:33 PM
Nirzar updated the task description. (Show Details)
Nirzar updated the task description. (Show Details)

for now, i changed this from a bug to a feature request, as the loading issue is not something we can solve, all we can do is show system status that something is happening and remove the button while something is happening to avoid queuing

What happens when you clock the native browser print. The same?

That would at least confirm the likely hypothesis that this relates to this being a memory intensive process.

We added a spinner this sprint. It currently hides before the window.print call

If we flip those calls and hide spinner after I would hope that would take care of this provided that method is synchronous. If not I'm not sure what we can do here right now..

Change 393651 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jdlrobson; owner: Jdlrobson):
[mediawiki/skins/MinervaNeue@master] Clear spinner after window.print

Change 393651 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/skins/MinervaNeue@master] Clear spinner after window.print

@ovasileva I see the change in the proposed solution

Increase the time the spinner is available until from after we fetch all images T180058: Download all page images for printing, to when the print dialog appears

Good catch on the delay after fetching images but what will happen if there are no images to fetch? do we show the spinner? I guess we want to detach spinner for image fetching.

We can keep the spinner animation but it's tricky to detect when the print modal window gets visible or gets dismissed. We would need to do some hacks as not all browsers give us proper feedback.

just tested T180058 and it is solving most of the issues mentioned here

@ABorbaWMF - could you take a look on some mid-rane/older Anroid devices? The fix in T180058: Download all page images for printing should have taken care of this, but we want to double check. I'm particularly curious/worried that the following behavior might occur:

  1. user selects download
  2. spinner appears
  3. spinner disappears
  4. print modal opens OR nothing happens

We've seen some other strange behavior around this, so any exploratory testing into this would also be really helpful!

Just FYI this is now fixed on my testing device. I had this issue earlier but since we deployed the spinner, everything works fluently.

^ Can this task be resolved @ovasileva?
