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Popups should respect user's language variant preferences
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In my preferences I've set Uzbek Cyrillic as the content language variant, but when hovering over links I see that the preview is displayed in the Uzbek Latin script (default for uzwiki). I thought it made more sense to display previews in the content language variant too.

Event Timeline

Jdlrobson added a project: Services.
Jdlrobson subscribed.

This is likely to impact Chinese as well and other languages with variants.
Services: Can we serve language content variants in RESTBase? Is there a ticket open relating to that if not.

It was concluded in discussion that this issue is RESTBase-specific and does not occur with the MediaWiki gateway.

This is likely to impact Chinese as well and other languages with variants.
Services: Can we serve language content variants in RESTBase? Is there a ticket open relating to that if not.

T159985 was used to track this. I'm not sure what's the latest status of variants implementation in Parsoid. @ssastry ?

This is likely to impact Chinese as well and other languages with variants.
Services: Can we serve language content variants in RESTBase? Is there a ticket open relating to that if not.

T159985 was used to track this. I'm not sure what's the latest status of variants implementation in Parsoid. @ssastry ?

In progress - expect to be done by end of quarter. FYI: @cscott