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In other languages toggle button
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As a user I would like to be able to see terms in more languages than the current UI language.
Therefore I would like to have have a toggle button 'In other languages' below that allows to show other languages.

When I click the toggle button 'In other languages' and it is collapsed
then it should expand showing the content and the icon should flip.

image.png (443×496 px, 70 KB)

When I click the toggle button 'In other languages' and it is expanded
then it should collapse hiding the concent and the icon should flip.

image.png (419×498 px, 84 KB)

Event Timeline

Jonas triaged this task as Medium priority.Jun 8 2018, 8:41 AM
Jonas created this task.
Vvjjkkii renamed this task from In other languages toggle button to mebaaaaaaa.Jul 1 2018, 1:05 AM
Vvjjkkii reopened this task as Open.
Vvjjkkii removed Matthias_Geisler_WMDE as the assignee of this task.
Vvjjkkii raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.
Vvjjkkii updated the task description. (Show Details)
Vvjjkkii removed a subscriber: Aklapper.
CommunityTechBot renamed this task from mebaaaaaaa to In other languages toggle button.Jul 2 2018, 1:18 PM
CommunityTechBot closed this task as Resolved.
CommunityTechBot lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.
CommunityTechBot updated the task description. (Show Details)
CommunityTechBot added a subscriber: Aklapper.