From T209297: Help panel: Determine what text and links to show in the help panel on KO and CS wikis
- Determine the top 5 help pages/articles that users should be shown when opening the Help panel for Korean Wikipedia (aka most asked questions in an editing context).
- they can be different for each editor: if a page (or a specific section) exists for wikitext editing, visual editing or mobile editing, they should be provided.
- Editors are : Mobile visual editor, Mobile wikitext editor, Desktop visual editor, Desktop 2017 wikitext editor and Desktop 2010 wikitext editor
- please provide the index of help pages too
- they can be different for each editor: if a page (or a specific section) exists for wikitext editing, visual editing or mobile editing, they should be provided.
- Determine what the "main" area should be to search for more help content (this would ideally be the contents area from the same place as the top 5 links). The mockup below uses EN as an example, we've used help pages within the Help: namespace: