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Community Relations support for the help panel project
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Concerning focusing on help desk, the Community Relations support is about the following:

  • Write public documentation the tool, mostly for general audience
  • Write public documentation to support experienced users on replying on help desk and how to offer better help contents.
  • Help on translations (interface, documentation).
  • Work with and/or outreach at Korean, Czech and Vietnamese Wikipedias to have the panel deployed there.
    • Determine links that will be shown on the help panel itself

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Elitre triaged this task as Medium priority.Jan 11 2019, 3:26 PM
Elitre created this task.

(I mean, at this point this is a retroactive thing, so you should already have everything you need to add info yourself. Of course, in the future it's better if the PM starts this kind of umbrella tasks, but I hope that in the subtasks descriptions there's already everything? :) )

II feel like we are doing again T197826, that was listing every tasks like you've done.

No? That was too big and general. I have so far created 3 different "umbrella" tasks instead, one for help panel and other two about first day-activities. In this way, the projects aren't mingled: even when you are done with the ones related to this "project", the others can stay open until they are completed (or viceversa obviously). ("Project" is a very vague word in this context, as you can tell)
I would obviously be very happy to figure out a better way to group the tasks, but looking at the subtasks this one makes a lot of sense to me already - but of course you may have other and better suggestions.

@Elitre @Trizek-WMF -- I think the clearest way to show what @Trizek-WMF is working on for the help panel is by including the relevant tasks as sub-tasks here, which is the current state of this task. If I had to write a description for the task, I would really just list/summarize the sub-tasks that are now on here. Should I do that?

@Elitre @Trizek-WMF -- I think the clearest way to show what @Trizek-WMF is working on for the help panel is by including the relevant tasks as sub-tasks here, which is the current state of this task. If I had to write a description for the task, I would really just list/summarize the sub-tasks that are now on here. Should I do that?

I've drafted something. Can you please review it?

@Elitre @Trizek-WMF -- I think the clearest way to show what @Trizek-WMF is working on for the help panel is by including the relevant tasks as sub-tasks here, which is the current state of this task. If I had to write a description for the task, I would really just list/summarize the sub-tasks that are now on here. Should I do that?

As I wrote above, since this is done retroactively, I didn't want the burden for that to be put on you :)
(In the future, when you file such umbrella tasks, using the four canonical questions at will help.)
I am usually pushing for as many details as possible just to make sure that the evaluation later is fair. All the specific agreements re: goals to achieve need to go in the task, or I won't have a way to know that they exist, and if I get complaints later that those weren't achieved I can't verify them easily.

Trizek-WMF lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Apr 29 2019, 4:29 PM

Lowering priority, since the help panel is not the main project for now.

Yes, this task can be closed. Its subtask about guiding communities to generate the right content, should remain open: T211734.