We'd like to run a fundraising announcement for the 2018 English fundraiser (en6C). Please place an announcement with the following properties:
Start Date: 11/29/2018 16:00:00 UTC
End Date: 12/19/2018 23:59:00 UTC
Destination URL (Android): https://donate.wikimedia.org/?uselang=en&utm_medium=WikipediaAppFeed&utm_campaign=Android&utm_source=app_201812_6C_control
Destination URL (iOS): https://donate.wikimedia.org/?uselang=en&utm_medium=WikipediaAppFeed&utm_campaign=iOS&utm_source=app_201812_6C_control
Image URL’s on Android: US, GB/IE/AU, NZ/CA
Image URL on iOS: No image
Body copy:
To all our readers in the U.S.,
It's a little awkward, so we'll get straight to the point: Today we humbly ask you to protect Wikipedia's independence. We depend on donations averaging about $16.36, but 99% of our readers don't give. If everyone reading this gave $3, we could keep Wikipedia thriving for years to come. The price of your coffee today is all we need.
Wikipedia is a place to learn, not a place for advertising. It unites all of us who love knowledge: contributors, readers and the donors who keep us thriving. Please take a minute to help us keep Wikipedia growing. Thank you.
To all our readers in the UK,
It's a little awkward, so we'll get straight to the point: Today we humbly ask you to protect Wikipedia's independence. We depend on donations averaging about £10, but 99% of our readers don't give. If everyone reading this gave £2, we could keep Wikipedia thriving for years to come. The price of your coffee today is all we need.
Wikipedia is a place to learn, not a place for advertising. It unites all of us who love knowledge: contributors, readers and the donors who keep us thriving. Please take a minute to help us keep Wikipedia growing. Thank you.
To all our readers in Ireland,
It's a little awkward, so we'll get straight to the point: Today we humbly ask you to protect Wikipedia's independence. We depend on donations averaging about €10, but 99% of our readers don't give. If everyone reading this gave €2, we could keep Wikipedia thriving for years to come. The price of your coffee today is all we need.
Wikipedia is a place to learn, not a place for advertising. It unites all of us who love knowledge: contributors, readers and the donors who keep us thriving. Please take a minute to help us keep Wikipedia growing. Thank you.
To all our readers in Australia,
It's a little awkward, so we'll get straight to the point: Today we humbly ask you to protect Wikipedia's independence. We depend on donations averaging about $15, but 99% of our readers don't give. If everyone reading this gave $3, we could keep Wikipedia thriving for years to come. The price of your coffee today is all we need.
Wikipedia is a place to learn, not a place for advertising. It unites all of us who love knowledge: contributors, readers and the donors who keep us thriving. Please take a minute to help us keep Wikipedia growing. Thank you.
To all our readers in New Zealand,
It's a little awkward, so we'll get straight to the point: Today we humbly ask you to protect Wikipedia's independence. We depend on donations averaging about $15, but 99% of our readers don't give. If everyone reading this gave $3, we could keep Wikipedia thriving for years to come. The price of your coffee today is all we need.
Wikipedia is a place to learn, not a place for advertising. It unites all of us who love knowledge: contributors, readers and the donors who keep us thriving. Please take a minute to help us keep Wikipedia growing. Thank you.
To all our readers in Canada,
It's a little awkward, so we'll get straight to the point: Today we humbly ask you to protect Wikipedia's independence. We depend on donations averaging about $15, but 99% of our readers don't give. If everyone reading this gave $3, we could keep Wikipedia thriving for years to come. The price of your coffee today is all we need.
Wikipedia is a place to learn, not a place for advertising. It unites all of us who love knowledge: contributors, readers and the donors who keep us thriving. Please take a minute to help us keep Wikipedia growing. Thank you.
Privacy disclaimer text: By submitting, you are agreeing to our donor privacy policy.
Button label: Donate now
Countries included: US, CA, GB, IE, AU, NZ
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