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Help panel: include additional context with help desk post
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In the initial version of the help panel, users will have the option to include the title of the page they're editing with their question. This option will default to on. We may want to include additional context with the message, because responders will find it helpful. Ideas include:

  • The editor being used (wikitext2010, visual editor, mobile VE, etc.)
  • Whether the newcomer has actually saved their edit.
  • Section of the page that the newcomer has clicked to edit.

We can decide what to do here after seeing the initial interactions in the help panel.

Original description from @Trizek-WMF:

I was thinking about how people may reply to newcomers on the help panel.

Imagine that user:Rookie uses VE to edit and ask for help to, let's say, bold a piece of text. On the Help panel, user:Master will have no idea of the editor used and will reply something like "wrap your text with 3 apostrophes". This will not work. Same for a lot of cases, where Master will provide a reply that works for their favorite editor but not on the editor Rookie uses.

The idea is to add an information about the editor used when Rookie has left the message.

Reasons for it:

  • Rookie may not know which editor is used.
  • It shortens Master's time, who can provide an in-context reply instead of having a dialog like "which button have you clicked" and Rookie striggling at replying "Edit".
  • Rookie may have not yet posted any edit, so Master can't guess what is the editor Rookie mostly uses.
  • Master reply will be more qualitative.

Event Timeline

MMiller_WMF renamed this task from When a user uses the Help panel, provide which editor is used to ask the question when the message is left on the Help desk to Help panel: include additional context with help desk post.Jan 4 2019, 5:35 PM
MMiller_WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
MMiller_WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
MMiller_WMF added subscribers: JTannerWMF, kostajh, Catrope and 6 others.

I moved the task description onto T209328, since that task is also about context. Closing as a duplicate.